Yahoo Mail Service for SMB(Malfunction or bad service)

I'm the only one that has a ton of problems with yahoo mail services?
I recently purchase the service for 150 email users, I started with IMAP settings, the first problems where that the email reached the cellphone app but not the outlook client(Neither,Thunderbird )..... later 1 sent emails randomly will dessappaer, laaaaater emails sent from users in the same domain will bounce.

After that, I started changing the users to POP3, hooo boy..... every spam email that reaches the spam folder will not download in the inbox, so if the mail was legit and hit the spam folder will never be read by the outlook user.

The support barely helps with this kind of problem.
Im the only one??? Please I need help want to change de yahoo service for another but not Gsuite or office 365.

Sorry for my bad English!
Best Regards
Do you only need a mailbox for yourself, or a complete Email service (both send & receive)?