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Lingual Media Player

Lingual Media Player 1.7.0

Lingual Media Player is a free software for learning languages with the help of movies and YouTube videos that have subtitles. Its main goal is to help learners of foreign languages improve their listening comprehension skills. . Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about Lingual Media Player

This program is very comfortable to use. E.g., you could use a one-click button to stop and repeat every next passage, or switch the film dubbed in a different language, or use subtitles in two languages - your native and the language you learn. No restriction as to the choice of YouTube clips or movies – the point is to have subtitles in a language you want.

Understanding spoken language is extremely important in language learning. It is the key to both successful communication and good grades on language exams. Furthermore, 'Listening' is one of the major components of all widely-recognized tests of English language (such as IELTS, TOEFL, ESL, EFL) that are necessary for entering colleges and universities and obtaining work permits or immigration status in English-speaking countries. Listening comprehension is also important in most official exams for other languages (DSH, DaF – for German, DELF/ DALF, TEF – French, DELE – Spanish, CILS, – Italian, HSK – Chinese, JLPT – Japanese). Read more.

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