"After more than two years of development, we're pleased to be launching the Massive Video Game Advertising Network right on schedule. The enthusiasm and support we've received from both game publishers and advertisers proves that we're delivering just what they've been waiting for: a way to make in-game advertising as simple as traditional channels-and even more powerful." - Massive CEO Mitchell Davis.

Massive Incorporated on Monday launched the world's first video game advertising network, allowing the top brands in the market to deliver dynamic advertising campaigns across a network of titles and genres. You see, its not always easy to reach those pesky 18-34 year old males who are the target market, even through clever use of television and other existing advertising channels. Thus, the advertising network.

The network will allow advertisers to simultaneously reach an aggregated audience of gamers through real-time delivery of advertising across an entire network of top-selling video games. Adverts are seamlessly blended into the gaming environment with no impact (apparently!) on game play or game performance.