Intel's fairly popular developer forum, which travels around the world and usually has a large scattering of demonstrations each year, is being scaled back. Fearing either lack of content or lack of show strength, a mere 3 shows are planned for 2007, whereas we had 14 in 2006.

In 2006, Intel held 14 IDF shows around the globe--though some were minor events rather than full-blown multi-day affairs. In 2007, there will be just three IDF conferences, spokesman David Dickstein said: in Beijing from April 17-18, in San Francisco from September 18-20, and in Taipei from October 15-16.
The IDF is one way Intel introduces new products and talks about their future plans to hardware manufacturers, system integrators and just plain interested people. According to Intel, reducing the number of shows this year will improve their quality, aside from reducing the costs incurred.