Psystar scored a small win in its ongoing legal battle against Apple today. You may remember that not long after the courts decided to dismiss their antitrust claims against Apple, the Mac clone maker decided to switch tactics and go after Apple on copyright grounds. Well, the federal judge in charge of the case has approved the changes ruling that Psystar may continue to push its amended countersuit and even hinted that, if the company can prove its allegations, others may be free to sell non-Apple hardware running OS X.

Psystar is claiming that Apple abuses copyright laws by insisting that its software, including its operating system, can only be installed on Apple branded equipment. The company has to officially submit its altered counterclaims in a week, after which Apple must respond within 20 days with the trial scheduled to begin on November 9. Meanwhile, Psystar continues to sell its products despite the potential legal repercussions and a new Mac cloner has emerged in Germany.