Although I've never pillaged someone's RuneScape account at knifepoint, I have plenty of less-than-proud moments in my gaming history – like many of you, I imagine. My lowest point was undoubtedly spending months of free time on a little-known MMORPG called Dofus back in 05 or so. I paid for multiple accounts and played several characters simultaneously for 6+ hours a day (more on weekends).

Gamer runs 36 WoW accounts at once (from 2008)

After about eight months, I deleted the characters and I've largely avoided MMORPGs since, besides a few weeks on WoW. However, I've had similarly shameful stints with titles in other genres, such as StarCraft (Brood War and Wings of Liberty) as well as SOCOM II (a shooter on the PlayStation 2). What games have you been most hooked on? Are there any obsessions you feel particularly guilty about?