Installation Instructions:

1. Unplug your HOTAS Cougar joystick.
2. Run the "HOTAS_Cougar_204.exe" setup once to remove the previous version.
3. Run the "HOTAS_Cougar_204.exe" setup again to install the new version.
4. Reboot your computer (if not asked to) .
5. Once the setup is complete, plug back in your HOTAS Cougar joystick.
6. If Windows ask you, following the instructions to install the drivers and choose the recommended choices.
7. Run the "HOTASUpdate.exe" program to install the new firmware. A shortcut is located in the HOTAS start menu folder.
8. If you use manual calibration, run through the manual calibration in the HOTAS Cougar Control Panel (CCP).

- HOTASUpdate.exe, version 2.02

/T toggles on Shift_Buttons fixed