Graphics card prices are rising in China, reflecting a global trend

This info is so back and forth. A few months ago, we saw reports of digital currency mining shutting down by the government and people selling off their graphics cards in bulk. Now this? Doesn't add up.
This info is so back and forth. A few months ago, we saw reports of digital currency mining shutting down by the government and people selling off their graphics cards in bulk. Now this? Doesn't add up.
If you take all you crypto news from this site you're doing it wrong.

If you want to understand what's going on and the big picture you need to read more sources.

Just because one negative thing happened to crypto it does not mean other positives didn't happen either.

It's a constant push and pull in this sphere and because of that it will not die soon, as in years and years.

As it looks now, between ups and down the trend is still upwards, even with all the resistance it faces, which means the push is greater then the pull for crypto.

Like I said before I don't see other ways cryto to die than these 3 scenarios:
- Global anti-crypto laws in all countries (don't see that happening)
- Global economic crisis, biggest one yet (that will come sooner or later)
- WW3 (that too will come sooner or later)

But the last 2 points will affect every aspect of life, so who cares about crypto then...