Keyboard question

You've confused me a bit on what the setup is. Are you using a Mac keyboard on a Windows PC and wanting to screenshot? or the other way around? The distinction is pretty important.

Windows + Shift + 3 will screenshot the entire screen on an OS X machine running with a non-Apple KB. Windows + Shift + 4 will bring up a crosshair where you then drag around what you want to clip. That is essentially the same as opening the snipping tool in WIndows Vista-10 and clicking new, just with less steps involved. The screenshots are then saved as png files on your OS X desktop by default afaik, but I've installed dropbox on my OS X machines and my screenshots are sniped by dropbox and placed in a screenshots folder with a hyperlink to them then copied to my clipboard - because that is the best setup 'for me'.

If you want to know it the other way around... I'd have to hook an old Apple Pro KB (from the PowerMac G4 days) up to my Windows machine and play around... but your link seems to indicate F13 is the print scr button.
Just connected my Apple Pro KB and was unable to find a key to do it. F13, F14, F15 all didn't work. F13 is in the same physical location as the print screen key on my Logitec wireless kb that I use for Windows. So my guess is on Apple branded keyboards there isn't one, you might be able to get a utility that maps that key or maybe you can set it in Windows yourself I'm not sure. However, outside of full screen apps you are probably just as well off using the Snipping Tool.