Kinect hacked to work on the PlayStation 3


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Hacker Shantanu Goel has got his Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect accessory to work with the Sony PlayStation 3. He achieved the feat by connecting the Kinect to his laptop, which is running PrimeSense's Kinect drivers (as well as the OpenNI Libraries and the NITE Libraries). The movement is converted into raw tracking data and reconverted into PS3-compliant data via the DIYPS3Controller.

The result is being able to use the Kinect to control your PS3 via your PC, albeit it's very shaky because the information is sent in the form of normal PS3 controller movements. The hack is still in a very early development phase, but it definitely shows that that the pairing is possible.

"Now, of course, kinect doesn't work with PS3 obviously but then if we can't break the rules, we can at least bend them a little towards our way," Goel said in a statement. "I've created a mashup that allows you to use kinect as an input controller for the PS3. Please note that this is pre-alpha quality software currently. I haven't updated to a lot of recent code for the below libraries and also haven't done most of the performance/feature improvements yet. The axis performance specially needs lot of tweaking and it works well only while sitting. Putting this out purely as a proof of concept."

Here's his current to-do list:

  • Full menu and game profiles
  • Skeletal tracking for better game profiles
  • Switching back to menu profiles from game profiles
  • Easier way to specify user custom profiles instead of changing code for the same
  • Performance improvement for game profiles

We're wondering if anyone has attempted to get the PlayStation Move to work on an Xbox 360, or if it's not even worth the effort. If you own a PS3, does this hack get you excited with the potential possibilities?

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I have the kinect for the xBox. Reminds me of the mindless fun I had on the Wii for a day until I realized that the Wii was more accurate. Wish I could get my money back. Every cool feature on the XBox cost money and I am just not that into first person shooters outside of a PC. Better move would be the move on all of the systems. That would excite me. Much more accurate tracking with it. Sorry Xbox but a waggle with a wii remote or a waggle with your body is still a waggle.
gwailo247 said:
Tomorrow Sony will sue everyone who owns a Kinect as potential PS3 hackers.

I'd sue everyone with a PS3 as a possible hacker. They have the one thing they need to hack a PS3. A PS3.
Tomorrow Sony will sue everyone who owns a Kinect as potential PS3 hackers.

Don't forget those that have been to the Microsoft store, newegg or Amazon and looked at the Kinect page ... we can keep an army of lawyers busy for decades trying to track down all those ip addresses.
Ok, just play the Move with the PS3. The Kinect is not as good of quality as the Move.
Sony will sue MS, the guy than made the kinetic, the guy than took the video, the kinect itself and all of us for commenting on this.
You should work with MaxKinect it would be great
It is really a good idea, the ps3 wasnt the one getting hacked, but rather the Kinect. However i think the ps3 is better off with Move.
ramonsterns said:
gwailo247 said:
Tomorrow Sony will sue everyone who owns a Kinect as potential PS3 hackers.

I'd sue everyone with a PS3 as a possible hacker. They have the one thing they need to hack a PS3. A PS3.

You aren't thinking big enough. I'd sue everyone with a computer, because they can easily hack a friend's PS3.
Guest said:
Sony will sue MS, the guy than made the kinetic, the guy than took the video, the kinect itself and all of us for commenting on this.

Brilliant!!! :)