Majority of Americans believe video games increase violence

This same story has been around in one form or another since videogames first appeared: The corruption of our youth. Before that it was drugs and rock and roll; before that, comic books, and so on. The link is tenuous at best. If someone is going to act out, they will. All they need is a trigger, and because videogames are difficult for many adults to understand they are an easy target to pin the blame on rather than the more complex reasons of preexisting conditions, lack of proper parenting, societal pressures and causes, etc.
Majority of Americans are *****s. (not just in relation to entertainment)

Sorry, games only increase violence in people who are mentally unstable or ruled over by extremely strict adult figures. Take a survey of teens next time, I can guarantee most will consider movies more to blame than games. Adults didn't grow up with today's technology so most of them cannot understand.

I'm 22 and to me, games are just that; games. I've been gaming since I was 3 and I gain a far higher emotional rush from movies I watch. WHY are movies never to blame? I don't understand. Adult authorities who haven't experienced what we have are ruining societies.

That said, I don't believe any young person (12 or below) should play a mature rated game, however, it all depends on their mental maturity. I've played extremely violent games since I was 10 and don't even want to harm insects. Age means very little in a world where individuals develop at different rates. "One size fits all", doesn't, but things may never change.
THIS IS BS! 1k americans over 2 days on ONE SPECIFIC website thats not MOST americans!
Lnk to survery
@KG363 just watched it after reading your post, great video, hilarious but so true.
I really think that they should keep the games going because i played black ops on the weekened so i can stay fouse on school work but i play often... what I trying to say is that its the parents fault
because they buy the games for there kids and didnt realize that there be violence in the games.

My school was massacre because some of my stupid friends bring guns to the school and kill 15 students and they about to shoot me but the F.B.I. was there to scare them off and they did catch them....

I do feel sorry what happened because i suppose to be with them but I change my mind about it.

P.S. Be carefully out there!