Researchers develop 0.1mm flexible AMOLED display

whiteandnerdy said:
I cant wait until this technology becomes publicly available. an OLED newspaper would be awesome. or a secondary monitor that you can roll up and put in your bag.

omg a roll up monitor would be so awesome xD
If this is the newspaper of the future, I would definitely choose this over internet
This will be good for books, magazines, as well as newspapers. Consider a magazine publisher that is "environmentally friendly", and cuts out the use of paper altogether, using these. How about a magazine that, when you order a subscription with them, sends you one of these that updates to the new issue every month, and uses built in flash storage to store the archives from previous months.

Newspapers could be the same way. I'm high on nitrous from the dentist, so I hope this post makes sense.
This is indeed a great technology, too bad it will still be restricted to the rest of hardware so it will not be so "foldable" like you are thinking.
I was thinking more along the lines of medical science, where live information that is ever changing depending on the patient's situation is carried around in like a paper folder with other patient's information. Synchronised up to date information easily carried around by each doctor... Would be pretty useful in that respect. Not to mention destroying the need for newspapers, and have this sheet updated daily or even hourly. Less harm on the environment, more efficient way of receiving up to date information, not to mention not needing to go out and get the papers each morning lol
With new technologies, new ideas emerge and the need for creativity arises. Trying to sound less dramatic about it, there are loads of situations where a super-thin screen would come in handy. Imagine being in the classroom, and the teacher wants to show a YouTube-clip, then pulls down the screen from the ceiling just like a blind! At what cost, one might ask?
Pretty cool... i'm guessing this is just a "proof of concept", i'm sure the production version would have a much high dot pitch, as the screen door effect is quite obvious in this model. I wonder how the pixel response times and viewing angles are.

Although I honestly don't think that is flexible enough for the "roll-up" display for use in mobile devices. Anyone ever watch Earth: Final Conflict by Gene Roddenberry? It was not a very popular show but they had mobile video phone type devices with a roll-up display.
Future use of OLED displays:

Toilet paper that you can surf the web, watch movies, etc. on, and when you're finished, use it for what it was designed to do.
The image looks very bad, but still, it's very innovative. I'm sure by 2020 we will have screens which are flexible and as crisp as the iPhone4.
Ive heard about this somewhere before... people keep saying its like a newspaper that downloads the daily news? Cheaper alternative would be a iPad, or slate, or tablet... whatever they are calling these flat handheld computers these days.. that will download the daily news for you. So, instead of buying papers, just use your friggin' laptops. You are probably already paying for internet service, why pay for news paper? Or vise versa.. whatever.

What I am thinking is along the lines of surounding yourself with this flexible material. Suround gaming.... now there is an idea I am liking... and no.. i dont think projectors would allow this to happen. You would have shadows, or blank areas somewhere...
Nice & slim that's totally awesome.Roll up seems nice just open it whenever you want & roll it back up if you don't need it.So slim it will like fit into smallest places so cool.
sweeet. remember the flex-screen in "mission to mars"? same deal.. they used it as a map and terrain range-finder, but it was like a mylar-scroll dealio.

large flexible sheets would be AWESOME for architectural drawings. the drawing set for a highrise can be 100's and 100's of pages.. even thousands, if you include specs.

it won't be too long before your full-height gaming tower will be crammed into the edge of one of these 100" flexible displays.. quantum computers, anyone? :D
The tech is really cool, but I have absolutely no idea what I would personally use it for in day to day life. until the fold radius gets small enough that you can have one of these things in a thin roll stored in the side of a phone a la Earth Final Conflict the flexible nature is just a neat gimmick. It's a race between these and functional holographics to see which one is practical first.
I keep thinking of Harry Potter's news papers.

Personally, I don't know why I want a flexible display yet. Maybe for some wrap-around PC gaming?
mccartercar said:
Imagine a suit made of this that displays whats behind you as to make you camoflauged and almost 100% transparent. Now all we need is some infrared/xray/night vision eye contacts and we are on par with the Predator.

yep...totally agree with u.