Sony rumored to be lowering PS5 price following Xbox Series X reveal

Its a terrible “deal” ($840 over 2yrs)

Last summer I bought 3 years of live for $39/yr then paid $1 to convert it all to gamepass ultimate. Now THAT is a deal.

Yes that is a deal that will not happen again, Game Pass was cheap because they were trying to get people in and if you somebody who doesn't collect games $35 a month for 2 years it's a great deal, the price will drop to what $12 - $15 after 2 years and you still get to play all Microsoft's exclusive games plus EA games and many other's, if I wasn't someone who likes to collect games ( on the consoles ) and didn't already own an expensive PC I would be getting on to that deal, £28.99 a month its nothing, my phone contract cost me £60 a month....
With today's cross platform releases of most titles, I see consoles as good investment, compared to PC, not the least due to the obscene prices of top graphics cards and other required PC components to make the games run smooth.

While consoles, they ....just ... run fine.

Consoles make me feel want to drop out from the insane graphics card race.
Xbox series have always been the more powerful competitor, but PS have always been the more popular with more substantial, interesting exclusives.