Study finds no link between violent games and aggression in teens (again)

Sounds like another shallow study, without looking into the psychological development. Planted violence can be dormant for a while, until the right stimulus triggers it.

bs violent people are drawn to violent media. a nun won't become a killer playing a video game.
Here's the difference between you and me. I see the children and ask myself what's going wrong. Among many other things, this is one of'em.
There are not few (predominantly male) kids, who spend almost their entire childhood in front of that. They are damaged far more than their "predecessors", who were playing 8-bit video games all day. This is a simple fact. If they played some "harmless" crap all day, they would still be f***ed up, but not nearly as badly as they get when playing "killing" among their (virtual) "friends" all day.
You look at it from the angle that somebody's trying to take it away from you.
The way I see it, I'm neutral. I've played them. I've seen what they do to children. I don't have any vested interest in this subject, hence I can speak freely. ;-)
Actually, my opinion is that the issue with video games is a symptom of deeper and more systemic problems, not the least of which is this winner take all economic system we live in. I also count the fact that society thinks that wealth, looks, power, you name it, are far and above all the only things that matter, and that if any individual does not have these things, they are not worth the flesh on their bones.

As I see it, these problems will not be solved overnight. Making laws, preventing children from having video games, put your favorite prohibited item here, have been tried in various ways before. For some children, denying them something will only foster their want of that something and they will get it any way they can. IMO, these have treated the symptom, however, the cause remains.
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Would I want the average millennial or Generation Z'er who can't even handle a school bully or Tide pods having access to that kind of weaponry?
I'm glad you brought that up because weaponry is not the underlined problem. As long as we focus our attention on weaponry the problem will remain. The fact is, we are broken and no one wants to own up to it. We breed violence in the name of entertainment. Then we frown when someone gets hurt. And when it is all done we suggest it is not a problem because we were never influenced. There couldn't be a bigger lie, we tell ourselves.