Uber won't reapply for permit to test autonomous cars in California

Um, what gives you that idea? Had she been at the crosswalk, pressed the button, waited for cars to stop and then crossed (which is what EVERYONE is supposed to do!!!), she'd have been perfectly fine!

Do you honestly think there are buttons at every single crosswalk? Hmm... not in my experience.

Do you want to fund putting buttons at every single of the millions and millions of crosswalks across the world? Small towns do not even have crosswalks. Do you want to fund putting in button sidewalks for every street in even the smallest of towns all the way around the world? Are you serious?
I take it you do not have nor have ever seen children playing? Like if a ball gets kicked out across the street and they run after it? Or even at a store? Or anywhere?
I'm not even going to start talking about parents irresponsibility, because it pisses me off every time. I will say I will hold the parent at fault every time, not the driver. Legally that is the case until the child reaches 18 years of age.
Do you honestly think there are buttons at every single crosswalk? Hmm... not in my experience.
The point is the person can not be arrogant/mindless and expect a vehicle to give them the right of way unless the crosswalk is working correctly. And even then you still have to be cautious before crossing. The same is true about the vehicle blinker, you can't assume they will turn because a blinker is on.
Do you honestly think there are buttons at every single crosswalk? Hmm... not in my experience.

Do you want to fund putting buttons at every single of the millions and millions of crosswalks across the world? Small towns do not even have crosswalks. Do you want to fund putting in button sidewalks for every street in even the smallest of towns all the way around the world? Are you serious?
Lol, so if there was no button.... You follow all my steps minus the "push button"....
I also forgot the "point", which you are supposed to do before you cross... I know few bother to do that... But hey, maybe we all should...

Point is, had she used the crosswalk properly instead of crossing away from it, she'd be alive today.