Weekend Open Forum: How fast can you type?


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There was a time when a fast typing speed was an attribute usually reserved for those who sat behind a keyboard all day. But in today’s connected society, it’s not just the likes of secretaries, IT workers, and professional writers that can exceed 60 words per minute.

Thanks to the rise in the number of computer owners over the last 35 years, along with the large percentage of the earth's population who now use social media, more people than ever before know that 'QWERTY' isn’t a D&D character and can type using more than one finger.

For this weekend open forum, we want to know how fast you can type. But before you comment with a ‘rough’ WPM guesstimate, why not get an exact measurement by testing yourself at The Typing Cat and let us know how well/awful you did.

The site's all-time fastest score is an amazing 150 words per minute; how close to that can you get?

Permalink to story.

Last typing test I took a few years back was at 115 wpm.

Years ago I was going through a mall and unbeknownst to me they were having a typing contest - the winner won an electric typewriter. My girlfriend egged me on to do it as she knew I was fast. I was the only guy in the contest and won the typewriter. There were some seriously pissed-off ladies walking away from that contest. ;)
57 WPM.

That's my test result (image at the top of the post) on a Das mechanic keyboard, I do somewhat worse on my laptop. I'll try to outdo myself during the weekend :)
46wpm, 97% accuracy. Not bad for an almost 60 year old.
Took typing in high school in the 70's.
70 to 120+ with an accuracy range of 80-97 percent. It all depends on the feel of the keyboard. Will do a test tomorrow to see how well I do with my current board.

Edit: Looks like I am hot garbage with a blackwidow: 52 WPM.
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The last time I tested it was around 80 WPM but it depends on the keyboard, that was on a Model M. I can't type worth a dime on these stupid chicklet key keyboards with their nonstandard layouts that computers are coming with these days.
I don't know how fast I type, I only use one or two fingers from each hand, but I still your faster and more accurately than most people I know that know how to type "properly".

I'll do the test when I get to my computer.
42 @ 97something% the first time I tried, 52@100% the third time I tried. Reset on the second one because I got interrupted.
At my best I was up to 65 words per minute with 90% accuracy, but that was a long time ago. Now I'm more like 32 WPM and thank God for spell check!
Just got 89WPM with 98% accuracy. New keyboard though and usually a bit faster on my laptop.
Says im #4 in the last 24h.
Tried for triple digits but it's not happening...

I don't know how fast I type, I only use one or two fingers from each hand, but I still your faster and more accurately than most people I know that know how to type "properly".

I'll do the test when I get to my computer.
Of course. It's obvious from your post that accuracy is very important when you type..
I'm about 60 wpm if I'm typing off the top of my head with about 85-90% accuracy (depending on keyboard). Transcribing I slow way down to probably about 40 wpm, but with higher accuracy. I tend to transcribe carefully which slows me down. Never have figured out if the extra time is paid off by less corrections.
Oh gosh, I have no discipline. Sometimes I type with all my fingers, sometimes with just on, (on my dominant hand), and 3 or four on the other. Never did get the hang of the thumb for the space bar.

Me not looking at the keyboard is sure to get the caps lock on, every time I go near the A, Q, and sometimes Z.

I probably should take the test. I'm sure even I would be appalled at how slow I type, versus how long winded I am...:eek::D
I don't know how fast I type, I only use one or two fingers from each hand, but I still your faster and more accurately than most people I know that know how to type "properly".

I'll do the test when I get to my computer.
Of course. It's obvious from your post that accuracy is very important when you type..

I think a remedial English course would be as much, or possibly more benefit to him than, "remedial typing". Or possibly, "English as a Second Language", might do the trick.