Why is my system so slow?

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Ill start off with saying that if you have the money for those upgrade they will not disappoint you, I have that PSU and its great. CPU cooler looks like it will do the job with out a problem. Now for your CPU selection, it will be a good choice, however, do you really need 4 core? It does give you the advantage of future proofing your system a little bit but if your going to be using your PC for gaming then it is not at all necessary, you have two alternative options. A a triple core, saves you $20 which you could put towards a RAM upgrade which would help you more than a fourth core. And B a dual core which saves you $45 from the quad which again will allow you to get a 4GB kit of RAM in the 800MHz range if you want to look at some comparisons between 2, 3 and 4 cores check out Tom's CPU Charts where you'll see the changes in performance for yourself. Again if you do get the Quad core I would still recommend the RAM upgrade just to be safe.
LOL Tehoste. DEFFINATLY NOT. I spent about 2,000 on that setup plus about 800 in new parts in the last year. I will be putting up a thread soon with the computer that has been altered by techspot and I will add in some of my other towers. The one i dropped 5,000 on is my best friend :). You will see it shortly along with the updated computer from that thread you posted.


FYI----- yo Zeating follow Adhmuz's directions!!!!
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