Newspapers are becoming less popular as things like RSS, streaming and 24-hour news take over. Is that really much of a surprise?. Not at all. With instant access to information anywhere you can get a wired device, the advent of having a nice slick device over a bulky, dirty paper is obvious. But the speed at which people are adopting web news over paper news is quite surprising.

The Newspaper Association of America, analyzing data from the Audit Bureau of Circulations, also reported that Sunday circulation fell 3.1 percent at the 610 newspapers reporting those figures. The 2.5 percent decline in average paid weekday circulation was based on data from 770 newspapers reporting to the Audit Bureau.
Now while 3.1% may not seem huge, when you factor in the millions of readers, it adds up quickly. The paperless office was a lie (or a myth, depending on the way you look at it), but perhaps paperless news is something that could come quite true. Websites with news are quickly becoming the prime choice for information - regardless of the stigma that has followed "24-hour news", especially on the internet. Is quicker news better?