Samsung has found itself at the receiving end of a patent infringement lawsuit recently filed with the ITC and the US District Court. Spansion, the company behind the lawsuit, is accusing Samsung of violating several patents they own, including at least 10 they specifically mention in their case. The patents all relate to flash memory technologies, which Samsung of course makes ample use of in a huge amount of their products along with many other vendors. Flash memory is a big part of Samsung's portfolio, and hundreds of other big companies around the world rely on Samsung parts.

Spansion is asking for an "exclusion" from the U.S. market on many products, including devices like mp3 players, phones, cameras and more - essentially anything containing flash memory manufactured by Samsung. That would be a huge list of products, and a short list of big-name vendors affected would include companies like Apple, RIM, Sony and more.

Spansion is definitely not going to get their demand in that respect, but that doesn't mean they won't be sparring with Samsung in the courts for many months to come.