According to comScore's latest data, Hulu served a record number of videos in October. Views totaled 856 million in the US last month, a 47% increase from September, giving Hulu 3.1% of the Internet video market share. Hulu's traffic surge is credited to the fall TV season as well as the addition of ABC shows through its deal with Disney. The site now features full-length TV shows from three of the top four American studios, including hits like Lost.

Despite its substantial growth, Hulu still trailed behind Google, which reportedly served over 10.5 billion videos last month, accounting for 37.7% the total Web videos watched. Meanwhile, Microsoft, Fox and Viacom each took between 1.5 and 1.6% of the pie with 407,205 to 450,957 views. Yahoo held a 1.2% share with 338,035 videos served, and Turner took 1.0%, delivering 288,070 videos. CBS and Facebook were each attributed with 0.9% of the market, and ABC represented only 0.7% of all the Internet videos watched in October.