The Windows browser ballot: the winners and the losers On 1 March 2010, the EU Browser Choice ballot came into being. Rather than Microsoft being allowed to bundled Internet Explorer with Windows, it would offer all European users a choice of the "12 most widely used web browsers that run on Windows 7," either during the initial setup of a PC or later via Windows Update. A bold plan, yet seven of the 12 argued that it didn't go far enough. PC Pro

IT graduates not 'well-trained, ready-to-go' There is a disconnect between students getting high-tech degrees and what employers are looking for in those graduates. Employers agree that colleges and universities need to provide their students with the essential skills required to run IT departments, yet only 8% of hiring managers would rate IT graduates hired as "well-trained, ready-to-go"... Network World

Microsoft shows off radical new UI, could be used in Windows 8 In a three and a half minute video, Microsoft may have shown the world what it has in store for the eagerly awaited Windows 8. In the video Microsoft showed a radically different interface from past versions of Windows – even Windows 7. DailyTech

Employer demands Facebook password during interview Late last year a man – Officer Robert Collins – from Maryland was asked to give his Facebook login email address and password during a recertification interview with the Maryland Division of Corrections (DOC). Neowin

Verizon iPhone 4: Mind the gap, our tests show The Verizon iPhone 4 has a problem that could cause the phone to drop calls, or be unable to place calls, in weak signal conditions, Consumer Reports engineers have found in lab tests. Consumer Reports

Two planets found sharing one orbit Buried in the flood of data from the Kepler telescope is a planetary system unlike any seen before. Two of its apparent planets share the same orbit around their star. If the discovery is confirmed, it would bolster a theory that Earth once shared its orbit with a Mars-sized body that later crashed into it, resulting in the moon's formation. NewScientist