2K and Gearbox Software on Wednesday jointly announced an all-new standalone Borderlands game that will be set between the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2. Aptly named Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the game is currently in development and will be available worldwide this fall.

The game will feature wild, gravity-bending gunfights in zero-atmosphere environments on Pandora's moon. Oxygen is said to be a major commodity and players will also have access to jetpacks as well as ice and laser weapons. In addition to new gameplay mechanics, there are also four new playable characters which include, for the first time, a playable Claptrap.

The other playable characters are Athena the Gladiator from the Borderlands 1 DLC, Wilhelm the Enforcer - a boss in Borderlands 2 - and Nisha the Lawbringer, the sheriff of Lynchwood from Borderlands 2.

Strangely enough, the title was only announced for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and for Windows PC. I get that these consoles have a much larger install base than the new machines from Sony and Microsoft but leaving out the next-gen consoles just seems like a mistake.

Perhaps the game will be ported over at a later date or maybe the studio is focusing their next-gen efforts on Borderlands 3 - a title that has yet to be confirmed.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will be on display at the PAX East fan convention in Boston this weekend, allowing gamers to get a first look at the game's action.