In context: Netflix's perceived stability during this time is a direct result of how it operates versus traditional studios and TV networks. The streaming giant drops entire seasons of a show at once which forces them to shoot pretty far in advance.

With theaters across the country and around the globe shut down due to Covid-19 containment efforts, movie studios are faced with a tough decision - send their completed flicks straight to streaming or delay them until theaters reopen.

It's a dilemma that at least one original content producer apparently won't have to grapple with this year.

Ted Sarandos, Netflix's chief content officer, said during the company's recent Q1 earnings call that their 2020 slate of series and films is largely already shot, adding that they are in post-production stages in locations all around the world. "We're actually pretty deep into our 2021 slate," he said, noting that they don't anticipate moving the schedule around much, "and certainly not in 2020."

Furthermore, Netflix doesn't release most of its original movies in theaters as traditional studios do meaning it is unaffected by the ongoing shutdowns. Heck, Netflix could even help traditional studios during this time by giving them an alternative way to reach consumers as a way to generate additional revenue.

And who knows what it'll look like once theaters do reopen. Will people rush out to go sit in crowded theaters as they once did or will the pandemic forever change consumer behavior?

Masthead credit: pixinoo, Mr.Music