In brief: Understanding the complete workings and mechanisms of cryptocurrency isn't the easiest thing in the world. To the less tech-savvy, the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum can be utterly perplexing. According to a new study, it's this very reason why so many people have never bought digital currency.

A study by PYMNTS and BitPay found that many US consumers---93% of crypto holders and 59% of non-holders who were surveyed---would consider using digital coins for everyday purchases, especially if doing so offered benefits.

The most appealing prospect for participants would be if crypto payments made online purchases more private or secure. Anywhere that offered discounts for purchasing goods with crypto would also be an appealing prospect, as would loyalty programs that rewarded people for using their digital coins.

"Holders and non-holders are interested in cryptocurrency payments because of the possible enhanced privacy and security features over traditional credit card- or bank account-based payments," states the study.

As has long been the problem with cryptocurrency, most people (75%) who have never bought any cite a "lack of knowledge," including not knowing how to obtain them or their tax implications, as the reason why. Additionally, 33.3% say it is "not mainstream enough/accepted enough," and 25.2% blame the market's volatility.

Another issue is that not enough merchants accept crypto as payment. While some large companies allow them, such as Newegg, it needs to become mainstream for more people to join the party. The recent news that Amazon was planning to accept Bitcoin sent BTC's price skyward, but it quickly fell when the retailer denied the report---though Amazon admitted to having an interest in the area, so maybe one day it will offer the payment option.