AMD Athlon X2 3.0 Mhz 64 vs AMD Phenom 2.4 Mhz

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Call me a noob if you must. This is my first thread.=) My question is very basic: With the games (software) available now, is it better to have a 3.0 dual core vs a 2.4 quad core, everything else being equal? It is my understanding that most applications now can not utilize the 4 cores, and the economy being what it is, is a faster processor, albit dual core, better?

Any feedback would be welcome.

Thank you all.
It depends on what exactly you're doing. Honestly, even if a program only takes advantage of two cores, it'd be better suited to run on the quadcore, as the program would get a full two cores, while other programs and processes could utilize the other two cores, making for better overall performance.
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