Atmospheric CO2 levels have reportedly surpassed 415 parts per million

Lots of interesting comments on that tweeter. The one I can relate to the closest is -
And we recorded it 10,000 years ago of course! I'm not denying climate change is real, but explain to me how cars and planes caused the last Ice Age and I'll accept you're right
They never but this might explain it !

or this

Who is really blaming the ice age on cars and planes ?
People, where they're able to, are already switching from coal to wind and solar power. Cars get ever increasing fuel efficiency. We're making headway in the West. China and the third world are polluting more than ever, since they can.

Well the "fix" is pretty obvious but no one wants to say it outloud. The earth doesn't *need* 10 billion people on it. That of course opens up even more moral quandaries, like is 1 billion people living in comfortable 1st world conditions better than 5 or 8 or 10 billion living in highrise squalor? Who decides who gets to, um, "stay"?

I'm a useless drain on society and just consume advanced medical care to survive, so I'd be one of the first to go. But I'm a realist, and the reality is that with either get really really efficent really quickly, or we stop creating so many humans so quickly, or we quickly figure out a way to start colonizing space (but considering the most hospitable places in space are way way worse than the least hospitable places on earth we have a ways to go).

We should be pushing hard for advanced nuclear generation if we want carbon free. Instead we have HBO probably striking new fear of nuclear power with the Chernobyl show (which is an excellent fiction show well worth watching so far, but not truth in any but the most basic outline of events).
Admit it you are a science denier and climate change denier so you most likely never cared about your country or the planet to begin with so no need to blame it on this video you saw !
LOL. Literally how do you just make stuff up like this in your brain?
Some people revel in their stupidity - climate-change-denial is right up there with flat earth on the dumb-scale. Welcome to the post-internet-everyone-has-a-voice world. I'm just relieved we don't have children who have to see how this short-sightedness plays out.

Even if you don't believe it, surely anybody with any sense would consider the notion that they might be wrong and err on the side of caution, but that would require some effort on their part so best to bury your head in the sand and keep consuming...
There are two other processes that can affect temperatures of the earth. Has climatologists even factored these in addition to Co2? The Sun and it's cycles, including the axis wobble. When the earth orbits the sun, the northern hemisphere is closest to the sun during the winter and farthest during the summer. The northern hemisphere therefore has less of a swing in temperatures than the southern does. This is why it's colder in the antarctic during their winters and hotter in Australia during their summers. But the tilt cycle continues and at some point, the switch will be made. To me, all seasons seem to be occurring sooner each year.
If you had read from the link I posted, you would have answered your own question. So, I'll post it again.
Just because something is low in absolute numbers to what you're used to does not mean that it is ineffective. Something doesn't need to change hugely to have detrimental effect; Carbon dioxide has strong thermal forcing properties and a long atmospheric lifetime. Even if we ignore this, its absorption by the oceans is literally changing the pH of the oceans. FYI, the oceans are where the majority of life on earth inhabits and gives us the most oxygen.
Someone versed in climate science. How refreshing! Great to hear you mention exactly what was covered in the link I posted. The thermal forcing properties of CO2 are far greater than any other aspect including all solar cycles over any known time period, I.e., 180k year, 300k-year, etc.
If you had read from the link I posted, you would have answered your own question. So, I'll post it again.
It's compelling and I'm not saying they're wrong. But then there's this:

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming


Underneath it all, they're saying implicitly there's too many people on the planet. Let's say global warming is real. It has been said that if there wasn't any warming, there wouldn't be enough land of vegetation to feed all the people!
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It's compelling and I'm not saying they're wrong. But then there's this:

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming


Underneath it all, they're saying implicitly there's too many people on the planet. Let's say global warming is real. It has been said that if there wasn't any warming, there wouldn't be enough land of vegetation to feed all the people!
I assume you realize that changing the argument to whether or not we can feed the world's population is a straw man argument.
However, I'll entertain it for a moment.
From that same wikipedia page:
Nearly all publishing climate scientists (97–98%[1]) support the consensus on anthropogenic climate change.
There is little on that page that even mentions "food" or "feed", and while that list of climate scientists who do not support the idea of anthropogenic climate change appears impressive on the wikipedia page, those scientists are only 2-3% of the climate scientists. That 2-3% could be right. We do not know. However, back to feeding the world's population.

As I see it, there are several problems with the idea that we cannot feed the world's population.

First, what form of agriculture are they speaking of? "Modern "monoculture" which depletes the soil and leaves it basically useless? That is something Monsanto would like so that we can all become dependent on Monstanto's products more than some farmers already are.

In addition, there are other methods of farming. If you can find a copy of Nature Conservancy Magazine Fall 2017 issue, there is an interesting article entitled "Maya Gold" that begins on page 28. In it, they detail farmers within the modern day Mayan culture on the Yucatan Peninsula who are moving away from modern agricultural techniques, I.e., monoculture, back to more ancient methods.

Instead of planting just a monoculture, corn, in their fields, they plant corn, beans, and squash. The corn plants provide support for the bean vines. The beans take nitrogen from the atmosphere and collect it in nodules in their roots which is then returned to the soil and feeds the corn and the squash. The squash, with its large leaves and the fact that it grows close to the ground, keeps the soil from drying out. The fact that there is a variety of crops in the same field cuts down on injurious insects. As reported in the article, the farmers moving to this method report increases in their crop yields of some 35-50%

There are varieties of corn, beans, and squash that grow in various climates and provide the same kind of benefits to each other when grown together. I suspect that the bigger issue would be to convince modern farmers that they would see a benefit from this type of agriculture.

Not only that, though, the modern Mayans plant shade trees in the fields where their cattle graze - a cooler cattle herd requires less energy and therefore produces better meat. Any plants that the cattle do not graze on, the farmers go into the field and chop them up, rather than using herbicides, so that they can form a natural compost which enriches the field for the next generation of crops.

All of this leads the Mayan farmers to significantly reduced clear cutting of rain forest - which has a side benefit - the aspect that the carbon sequestration of the rain forest is left to help mitigate atmospheric CO2.

As I see it, whatever actions are taken on the problem du jour, it must be done with careful consideration as to its immediate impacts and the impact that it has on the future.

Personally, I do not see that giving up is an option.
I assume you realize that changing the argument to whether or not we can feed the world's population is a straw man argument.
However, I'll entertain it for a moment.
From that same wikipedia page:

There is little on that page that even mentions "food" or "feed", and while that list of climate scientists who do not support the idea of anthropogenic climate change appears impressive on the wikipedia page, those scientists are only 2-3% of the climate scientists. That 2-3% could be right. We do not know. However, back to feeding the world's population.

As I see it, there are several problems with the idea that we cannot feed the world's population.

First, what form of agriculture are they speaking of? "Modern "monoculture" which depletes the soil and leaves it basically useless? That is something Monsanto would like so that we can all become dependent on Monstanto's products more than some farmers already are.

In addition, there are other methods of farming. If you can find a copy of Nature Conservancy Magazine Fall 2017 issue, there is an interesting article entitled "Maya Gold" that begins on page 28. In it, they detail farmers within the modern day Mayan culture on the Yucatan Peninsula who are moving away from modern agricultural techniques, I.e., monoculture, back to more ancient methods.

Instead of planting just a monoculture, corn, in their fields, they plant corn, beans, and squash. The corn plants provide support for the bean vines. The beans take nitrogen from the atmosphere and collect it in nodules in their roots which is then returned to the soil and feeds the corn and the squash. The squash, with its large leaves and the fact that it grows close to the ground, keeps the soil from drying out. The fact that there is a variety of crops in the same field cuts down on injurious insects. As reported in the article, the farmers moving to this method report increases in their crop yields of some 35-50%

There are varieties of corn, beans, and squash that grow in various climates and provide the same kind of benefits to each other when grown together. I suspect that the bigger issue would be to convince modern farmers that they would see a benefit from this type of agriculture.

Not only that, though, the modern Mayans plant shade trees in the fields where their cattle graze - a cooler cattle herd requires less energy and therefore produces better meat. Any plants that the cattle do not graze on, the farmers go into the field and chop them up, rather than using herbicides, so that they can form a natural compost which enriches the field for the next generation of crops.

All of this leads the Mayan farmers to significantly reduced clear cutting of rain forest - which has a side benefit - the aspect that the carbon sequestration of the rain forest is left to help mitigate atmospheric CO2.

As I see it, whatever actions are taken on the problem du jour, it must be done with careful consideration as to its immediate impacts and the impact that it has on the future.

Personally, I do not see that giving up is an option.
Otherwise, known as crop rotation. I bring these things up because I'm aware of the arguments, but I still don't know all that are entailed within them. I'm relying on the more enthusiastic to fill in the gaps.
Otherwise, known as crop rotation. I bring these things up because I'm aware of the arguments, but I still don't know all that are entailed within them. I'm relying on the more enthusiastic to fill in the gaps.
It is not actually crop rotation, but rather planting crops in the same field at the same time that are known to benefit each other when grown together. The practice is known as companion planting. -
and -

That each crop benefits each other when planted and grown together is the key concept.

As I am familiar with it, crop rotation would be planting a singular crop in a field one year, then a different singular crop in the same field the next year, and so on, and then at some point, the field would be "rested" for a time (because "crop rotation" still depletes the field of crucial nutrients) and planted with a cover crop that is not intended for food production.

In crop rotation, a field would not be planted with multiple different crops all at the same time.
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@Danny101 Here is something that I read about this morning. I have not had a lot of time to look into whether there is a political bias in this, however, it basically supports what I said about companion planting.

In fact, according to this report, 70% of the world's food supply is provided by small farmers. Their farms are significantly more efficient than industrial farms because they use virtually no chemicals, and they support a diversity of crops. It is expected that these small farms will be much better able to adapt to the changing climate and needs for food than the industrial farms, in part because the industrial farms focus on an exceptionally narrow range of crops - mostly maize.

The report -

And the web site -
@Danny101 Here is something that I read about this morning. I have not had a lot of time to look into whether there is a political bias in this, however, it basically supports what I said about companion planting.

In fact, according to this report, 70% of the world's food supply is provided by small farmers. Their farms are significantly more efficient than industrial farms because they use virtually no chemicals, and they support a diversity of crops. It is expected that these small farms will be much better able to adapt to the changing climate and needs for food than the industrial farms, in part because the industrial farms focus on an exceptionally narrow range of crops - mostly maize.

The report -

And the web site -
I'm in favor of breaking of the industrial farming industry and getting farms back to farming families. Sure, there are elements of industrial farming that can work and be beneficial, but it needs to be more balanced.
Is the Global Warming Model flawed? How many will comment before they watch? I give all arguments ample consideraton. Personally, I like to follow the money.

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I'm in favor of breaking of the industrial farming industry and getting farms back to farming families. Sure, there are elements of industrial farming that can work and be beneficial, but it needs to be more balanced.
But the small farmers are the ones declaring bankruptcies due to the tariffs the big corporate farms are the ones getting the welfare err subsidies that Trump had to give them after he killed of their market !
Trump has said that they'll step in to help the farmers until it's settled. We'll see.
Farmers lost over 18 billion in sales and Trump has only given them 12 billion and there will be a lot of red tape and stipulations to get any of that so who will be better equipped to receive some of that 12 billion a small farmer ( who most likely can't afford both a lawyer and accountant ) or a big corporation ( who will have their own lawyers and accountants ... noticed the s at the end of each word ) ! And for some small farmers it is already to late to make a claim ! BTW Foxs is not as creditable as you might think ( your video you posted ) !
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This is stupid. We have so many other problems:
- new viruses and bacteria
- ineffective crappy medicine
- uncontrolled immigration
- increase rape rates (related mostly to wild immigration)
- drug trafficking and abuse skyrocketing
- many heroin addicts were first using prescription drugs (in other words, doctors are making lots of patients heroin addicts)

And what's our main problem in media?? Wait for it... CO2 levels.


The funniest thing I heard last month was some Swedish school girl talking how she's very worried about global warming. What??? Living in Sweden? She's afraid of getting too tanned? Don't worry child, soon you'll be raped by someone tanned, and your children will be dark and totally prepared for global warming.

In the country that hosts Europe's capital of children rape, a little girl is worried about CO2 levels, hahahaha!!
Not the only examples, but very credible ones in my eyes.

Climate Change is fake and a scam and is designed to institute a world dictatorship. An Idea first conceptualized in a Club of Rome meeting. You scared the hell out people about the environment and they'll capitulate like a house of cards. It's a pushed agenda no different than for instance the transgender agenda. Everyone knows how big and stupid this thing is and it's being pushed by same big power elites that are pushing global warming. It's a clear denial of science and DNA. Feelings aren't TRUTH!!! Go see a doctor, buddy! And the funny thing about that is, we have doctors going along with it, They are not doctors. They are Dr. Giggles looking to make money and a lot of it, apparently. Just like these so-called climatologists. They're getting paid to say whatever the hell the elites want them to say. Stop being a sponge for whatever comes across the media and the boob-tube and think for yourself. There's not one area of existence that hasn't been infected by some political agenda. Political correctness is fascism disguised as politeness.-George Carlin. Get off your knees and stop swallowing the spew and research what you're being told. Yours and ours freedoms are at stake. AND A MAJORITY OPINION DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEAN IT'S TRUE!!! Look at American media. There's only one conservative news station. Everything else is liberal, parroting the EXACT SAME MESSAGE!!! How interesting? Does that not strike to be odd for anyone? Anyone??? You can ask 10 people around you a question on something. None of them know each other or that you have asked anybody else in the same group the same question. How likely are you going to get the same answer? You're not! I'm done with this argument so save it! Save your links. Believe whatever you want to believe, but I've made my determination. If it's political, there's a good chance it's fake.

Having said that, I still see good reason to pursue cleaner energy production. Especially ones that can free people from the grips of the energy companies and allow them to be self-sustaining. Global warming is questionable, but poisoning the environment is not.

Forrest Gump: "That's all I got to say about!"
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