Backlight won't turn on my laptop

I spilled well-water on my laptop a few weeks ago and immediately removed the power adapter, battery and drained the energy from the motherboard. I then opened it up (as much as I could) to dry off what I was able to.

My laptop is an Asus U57A and I am not entirely sure how to open it up beyond accessing the basics (RAM, Hard Drive, etc.). Even when I think I've gotten every screw, the casing doesn't seem to want to come off and I haven't been able to find anything online about opening this machine.

The problem is that after one week of allowing the laptop to dry with good airflow (standing upside-down on a wooden desk with a fan blowing), I turned it on to see if it would work. It worked just fine for about ten minutes, and then the backlight started flickering like crazy and went out completely.

At the moment I am getting around the problem by connecting it to an old desktop screen I had lying around, but I originally purchased this laptop for use at school.

Any ideas on if I could fix this? It definitely doesn't have a warranty anymore so I wouldn't be able to send it in or anything like that.
Hi Aerebes, I really don't fix laptops; only upgrade the standard parts as needed. I did a search and this is what I found so far:

Perhaps the video can move you in the right direction. I believe that they are also on YouTube.

That was actually the one single video I was able to find regarding the ASUS u57 series laptops. Unfortunately, it only shows how to open the screen and not the entirety of the laptop.

I do not actually know what the specific cause of the problem was, unfortunately (I.e. power surge, problematic connection, broken inverter etc). I was hoping to get a bit of a more concrete idea before I went to the trouble and expense of fixing something that might not actually be broken.
No need to apologize. it is in the right forum. :) The reason I asked the age is because you need to weigh out if a fix is worth it from a $ aspect as opposed to getting a new system. In other words, where will the money be best spent: repair or new.
The thing is that it actually runs very well. I did a factory reset two years ago when it had gotten a virus that destroyed the system, but after that I've only really had problems when I've tried using it with very high end games (which its not even intended for anyway).