Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review

Julio Franco

Posts: 9,099   +2,050
Staff member
I didn't find Black Ops 4 to be wholly enjoyable. They did do some cool stuff, but didn't really fix any of the problems that they had since the beginning:
1. Spawn system still sourly sucks. You spawn and get shot in the back of the head many many times.
2. I found the lack of campaign to be actually really bad in this case. The Specialist stories are a horrible excuse to provide background to this installment. The dialogue, voice acting, and cinematic scenes were obviously rushed and poorly done.
3. Zombie mode is an absolute cluster****. Newcomers will be absolutely overwhelmed at what to do (no it isn't as simple as just shooting zombies).
4. The number of players per map have been severely reduced leading to a lot of times where you cannot find anybody for the longest time and then suddenly getting shot by a fresh spawner.

There are some parts I did find okay though:
1. I like how they reduced the number of guns per class
2. Customizing your character is intuitive and you can really play how you want (completely pimp out your gun at the cost of a secondary or get additional perks etc.)
3. The expanded list of Specialists is pretty cool, each with pretty unique abilities and such.
4. Sound effects are very satisfying, even when you die (hearing the enemy's shotgun/sniper reloading when you get killed is a pretty cool touch).
Still loads of bugs in the game.

have a look at reddit if you are interested.

Also, im enjoying multiplayer less, with the tickrate of 20hz. It feels very random to win a gunfight.