Cracking encrypted ZIP files - I'm lost with John the Ripper and Cygwin setups

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I'm kinda desperate to crack the password-protected ZIP files I've recovered from a flash drive. I generally navigate my way through tech problems whenever I can get good advice and clear instructions, but I've no clear instructions for installing Cygwin specifically for use with John the Ripper, and don't even remember where I got that advice. I've already put hours trying to understand how everything interrelates, what packets are needed, the exact steps, etc., but it seems that plenty of whipsmart techies forget to start at the beginning and instead write as though they're instructing a colleague! To be transparent, the files are not mine, but the original owner needs to be held accountable for their contents.

If you're reading this and thinking, she doesn't belong here, she doesn't know the first thing about hashes or commands or whathaveyou. And you'd be correct. But please take pity on me anyway.
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