Cyberpunk 2077 has lost 79% of its Steam players since launch

Lol game was damn near DOA. I will not be purchasing. In fact have not purchased a new title in years. What was the last major AAA title of any genera to launch that actually matched or exceeded expectations and was not broken at launch? I dont think its happened in a decade.
No it really wasn't but cancel culture put it in everyone's head the game sucks when honestly besides the few bugs and glitches its hands down one of the best RPGs to date. Dont like the console look of the game then buy it for pc, I own the ps4 version played through ps5 and then bought on pc for better graphics. Game companies using the best platforms graphics for showcasing the game is nothing new I remember wwe smackdown vs raw 2007 the ps2 game case had all the xbox 360 graphics on the back of the cover but when you played on ps2 you weren't getting those better graphics its common sense anyone who thought the footage of cyberpunk was old gen graphics is smoking some good stuff
This game didn't bomb like Daikatana did, what with the hypes and high expectations for a game coming from ex-id legends ...cough...cough...Romero, Hall, etc....cough..cough..., but sure quite close enough.

Basically this game is a Beta or even Late-Alpha ( and rightly said as DOA above) disguised as finished game for fear of backlash. We all know it's a half-baked product, and the only ones who are praising it are die-hard CDPR fans and those who followed the hype-train, supported the hype and now couldn't eat their words.

If something is over-hyped, it usually is. The same as if something sounds too good to be true....
For me, the game was great, mostly bug-free, and looked fantastic. I stopped playing after doing most side missions and all the main story. I'll come back to it later in the year to see what they've added or improved upon. There are so many other games to play right now, it's hard to devote too much time to any of them.
I don't understand people with this game at all. I am at 120 hours and still on my first playthrough. After my second playthrough, I will easily exceed my total hours played for Witcher 3. I only have a RX 580 and the game runs pretty good whilst looking incredible. This is easily one of the best games I have ever played and it will only get better with patches, mods and extra content. (couple of tips for a better game experience: disable minimap and disable auto-save. auto-save stutter really detracts from the game while driving.) Only ever had minor bugs that are funny and never mattered much. Actually, just read the first four words of this to summarize.
I bought it on Steam and Stadia and still play on both. I've played nearly everyday since launch. I knew the game was going to be taxing on a system so I beefed up my pc to handle it. Been running great, dare I say personal favorite game. Characters and plot twists have been phenomenal, world immersion is better than that of GTA I feel, and it like if someone took Mirrors Edge and Blade Runner, then smooshed 'em together to make one fantastic ride of a game. Just because people couldn't be bothered to have updated tech and decided to whine like cucks for their problem, is not the games fault. Add in social media and everything being utilized for views and monetization now, Cyberpunk 2077 just got unlucky. I had the same exact issues that people are complaining about, with Half Life 2 back in the early 2000's. I learned my lesson then about having appropriate tech to run your games. Even Fallout 4 had worse problems than this...

This is the problem with console gaming at its core, you can't upgrade or keep up with current technological advances that high end gaming may require. That is not the fault of the game OR the gamer. That's just how life is. Sometimes you don't get your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you can't own a 2013 launch console and still expect and new 2020 game to work on it.

I don't feel like CDPR duped or misled ANYONE. We all knew the scale, we all knew from the years long development reports that the game was going to be HUGE in terms of size, scope, and depth. To expect any less was just be blantly oblivious and drunk little kid like excitement that clouded their reasoning and critical thinking.

In closing Fallout 4, and be honest 3-76, have worse crap going on without even needing mods to wreck them, and if people are so pissed, get their refund and grab it from Stadia so they can run it from the cloud and don't have to worry about their technological level being able to handle the insane requirements of the game.

P.S: I've wanted real life to be like this since I was a kid so this game is basically my Bible at this point for how I think and envision the future of humanity, so I won't be swayed. Like a religious zealot to my cause.
This game was a lot of hype and a lot of nothing.
Gameplay is boring, graphics is quite bad, unless you play with RT at max and then it looks ok, the 2077 scenario is more like 2020 with lots of shady colours (heck, you still have cars with gasoline engines) and in general the game is full of bugs and lots of missing stuff. GTA 5 is miles better and with a skin you can make it look like cyberpunk.
This game was a lot of hype and a lot of nothing.
Gameplay is boring, graphics is quite bad, unless you play with RT at max and then it looks ok, the 2077 scenario is more like 2020 with lots of shady colours (heck, you still have cars with gasoline engines) and in general the game is full of bugs and lots of missing stuff. GTA 5 is miles better and with a skin you can make it look like cyberpunk.
If the graphics seemed bad to you, then your PC probably just couldn't handle it. I can confirm you do not need an RTX card to make it look good and play smoothly.
Fun fact

this game is an immersive sim -- 95% of people who hyped themselves over this game were expecting Sci Fi GTA... and those 95% of people are the only dumb c's who actually care about player count for a single player game

Lol game was damn near DOA. I will not be purchasing. In fact have not purchased a new title in years. What was the last major AAA title of any genera to launch that actually matched or exceeded expectations and was not broken at launch? I dont think its happened in a decade.
Breath of the Wild was amazing & only had framerate issues in like 2 places.
This game is CDPR's Tod Howard award winner for the shittiest let down in all time
I think it's pushed by fake news. I have talked to many people who play it on xbox 1s, 1x & OG xbox & not a single person is dissatisfied (about 30 people) or says there is the same amount of bugs as fallout or other open world games. I see people on twitter & news articles (who all seem to have an axe to grind because they're mad at the stereotypes in the game & other non-woke issues) say bad things, but if I've learned anything in my lifetime, it's never trust the media.
I bought it on Steam and Stadia and still play on both. I've played nearly everyday since launch. I knew the game was going to be taxing on a system so I beefed up my pc to handle it. Been running great, dare I say personal favorite game. Characters and plot twists have been phenomenal, world immersion is better than that of GTA I feel, and it like if someone took Mirrors Edge and Blade Runner, then smooshed 'em together to make one fantastic ride of a game. Just because people couldn't be bothered to have updated tech and decided to whine like cucks for their problem, is not the games fault. Add in social media and everything being utilized for views and monetization now, Cyberpunk 2077 just got unlucky. I had the same exact issues that people are complaining about, with Half Life 2 back in the early 2000's. I learned my lesson then about having appropriate tech to run your games. Even Fallout 4 had worse problems than this...

This is the problem with console gaming at its core, you can't upgrade or keep up with current technological advances that high end gaming may require. That is not the fault of the game OR the gamer. That's just how life is. Sometimes you don't get your cake and eat it too. Sometimes you can't own a 2013 launch console and still expect and new 2020 game to work on it.

I don't feel like CDPR duped or misled ANYONE. We all knew the scale, we all knew from the years long development reports that the game was going to be HUGE in terms of size, scope, and depth. To expect any less was just be blantly oblivious and drunk little kid like excitement that clouded their reasoning and critical thinking.

In closing Fallout 4, and be honest 3-76, have worse crap going on without even needing mods to wreck them, and if people are so pissed, get their refund and grab it from Stadia so they can run it from the cloud and don't have to worry about their technological level being able to handle the insane requirements of the game.

P.S: I've wanted real life to be like this since I was a kid so this game is basically my Bible at this point for how I think and envision the future of humanity, so I won't be swayed. Like a religious zealot to my cause.
To be fair, if a game is released for a console, it should be playable. If it's not, it's the devs' fault for releasing on console. There's no way u can excuse that.
I had to stop playing when a main quest bugged meaning I can’t continue and I’ve done every side mission possible. Now waiting for a patch. I imagine I’m far from the only one
Lol game was damn near DOA. I will not be purchasing. In fact have not purchased a new title in years. What was the last major AAA title of any genera to launch that actually matched or exceeded expectations and was not broken at launch? I dont think its happened in a decade.
The Outer Worlds. Although was that AAA?
News flash from an industry veteran - Big single player games with giant launch audiences ALWAYS have player numbers drop down to relatively normal levels quite rapidly. Cyberpunk was just such a game, the Witcher 3 was not.

So far, Cyberpunk's lowest concurrent number of players is still 2.5 times greater than the Witcher 3's highest value. To make a suggestion that's a problem suggests TechSpot has NFI what it's talking about.

So which is it TechSpot - Are you hiring people who don't know how to do basic data interpretation doing your articles? Or you guys do understand this stuff, but you are assuming the audience will be too dumb to spot your attempt to make a dramatic headline?
Still playing and loving it. 72 hours in and ive barely touched the story. I will complete the game then play again after all the dlc comes out.
I guess putting things in perspective counts?

For me there is now plenty of time to play games. A new perspective. Working from home for the past 6-months. Had a call today from a friend with 'access' telling me that our execs noted that their earlier "work from home mandate" worked out much better than expected for the company. I am now advised that 65% of those relinquished to home duty will not be returning to their 4x4 cubicles. Greetings from HR! We are now called casual employees. The good news: "I cannot afford nor play Cyberpunk right now. For that matter I am not in the mood to play any games at all." WTF!
They should be giving out graphics cards that can run their game, and increase the price of the game to it's real cost for a player : ~$500 minimum (with the GPU that will come with the game)