Dual Booting

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Hi everyone. I have 4 HDs in my computer, 2 of which I previously used to boot Windows XP Home, and Windows XP Pro, about a week ago I reformated the drive with Windows XP Pro on it, because I no longer wish to dual boot, unfortunately, when booting my PC, it still asks me which OS I want to boot, how can I stop this? I don't like having to sit infront of my PC while its booting and manually selecting my OS, worse part is, if I forget to choose my OS it tries to boot XP Pro, and it gives me a fatal error and tells me im missing files (DUH ?). So any tips on removing this problem once and for all?
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You said you have an issue posting (via PM) and then in this old thread!

I then replied you have an issue, that Julio needs to help with
Then you replied with (actually I can't comprehend it ?)
i think in this situation you can run the recovery console from your winxp disk and then use the fixmbr command to restore your mbr to its original single boot config.

this has worked for me in the past but since i'm a relative noob myself, anyone pls feel free to tell me i'm rubbish! (just slightly doubting my own knowledge of this atm!)
Yeah that's what I did, boot to Windows CD during system bootup and it should detect the multiple boots and realize it's not there anymore and remove it. Or it'll be under some option in there.

I had Vista installed twice, but only once physically, and had to do that to remove it.
when you boot from the xp cd, you have to select the recovery console and then manually restore the MBR using the fixmbr command. it wont do it for you automatically.
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