Edit HOSTS file to Redirect to a URL?

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IP address then sitename

ie techspot.com

Will redirect Google.com to TechSpot.com :D
Edit: Wait, I think I got that the wrong way around, anyway you get the point
Edit2 Doh. I did get it the wrong way around (I just checked) The above will make https://www.techspot.com/ go to Google.com

You can find all IPs of Websites here: http://www.selfseo.com/find_ip_address_of_a_website.php
There's a few of these sites, I just chose one at random ;)

Google updates (changes) its IP often, so the above example may not work always
like i said i already know how to do that part...
what im asking is to have it redirect to like a specified URL instead of an IP address...!!!

Thats what I just did above
The User does not need to type in an IP or anything

If they type in: https://www.techspot.com/ it will then go to Google

YOU on the other hand, Must find the IP address of the site that you are redirecting to

By the way, after you edit and save the Hosts file
You will need to run CCleaner, before opening your browser
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