Elon Musk confirms he confronted Bill Gates about shorting Tesla stock

"Tesla the company doing most to solve climate change"
LOL. Tesla sold CO2 credits so other companies could keep emitting more CO2 than otherwise allowed. Tesla did the most to NOT solve climate change, and Tesla profited the most from that.
You have no idea how this system works. Try again...
Functionally there is no difference since they command a lot of power which is the *only* reason you'd want as much money once you're past a couple hundred million to buy mansions, yachts and any luxury item you could ever want.

Also maybe you missed my acknowledgement of this but look up:

Musk has no lux items. He works relentlessly for the good of all people. You hate him because he is stopping you sell your oil. Or rather your bosses oil...
If Musk didn't want people shorting Twitter stock then he shouldn't have made his plan to take over Twitter public for X amount of dollars when the price was below that!! Musk has no one to blame except himself and I hope Gates make a SHIPLOAD of money off of it!!! Of course along with Gaes are literally hundreds of thousands of other investors and Companys!!
I think you are confusing Twitter with Tesla. Gates isn't shorting Twitter stock.
Apart from his $70 million Gulfstream of course... 😄
He does need to bounce from location to location quickly. Not a lot of other ways to do that without wasting huge parts of the day dealing with airline travel. It is expensive, but it is a tool. And it is one that holds it's value very well and can be sold when he is done with it. So a good and probably necessary investment. He pretty much doesn't use it for anything other than business.
I can't tell you who I hate most, Musk or Gates, but I *can* tell you that a 100% accurate rule to see who cares *the least* about climate change is their bank account and these 2 "gentleman"* are at the top of the list (*I use the term gentleman as a substitute of much stronger language that the site absolutely wouldn't let you see)

To them climate change is just a negotiation position to generate *more* wealth I.e. Musk could literally almost end emissions by making all of the patents and tech he holds 100% available for anyone to use and intentionally crashing all of his fortune (Which is mostly speculative based on the *potential* Tesla has to be profitable, not any *actual* profit or products delivered since those are painfully slow and super expensive and sometimes not even at all feasible in reality like the hyperloop)

If you think Gates is any better with his "Philanthropy" think again: We almost had one of the first and consistently effective covid vaccines be 100% freely available to everyone and could have ended the pandemic significantly faster and arguably even prevented the later variants from even existing since a quick and massive worldwide vaccination program would have meant there wasn't enough of a chance for the virus to keep mutating. Bill Gates directly intervened to convince the scientists that were going to just give away the vaccine for free to NOT do that at all, patent it and so and as we're seeing today, is responsible for MILLIONS OF DEATHS by enforcing his 'Philanthropy' which really only serves to glorify himself and the incomprehensible wealthy like him as humanitarian god figures bestowing billions to help the world but not in any way that can actually solve issues but in a way that makes sure that any help is always conditioned to the whims and desires of the ruling class, above all of them the assurance that they remain the rulers and that you know and admire him personally as such.

And yes I think both of them are sincere: they're so far removed from reality that they honestly believe they're living gods and incapable of error and that their actions are the only way forward when in reality they're vampiric leeches that built their power on the backs of the rest of the world and are happy to literally let the entire world die before they consider advocating for something that might actually give us a fighting chance: Complete and immediate revocation of Capitalism and the profit motive to stop emissions dead on it's track no matter how many untold billions the rich lose in the proceeds.
Absolutely not true about the Musk patents (given away free or not). Telling you as an engineer as he is. Musk is trying to do the correct thing (make electric vehicles as less expensive as possible; including make the capitalist model work with the minimum profit acceptable to investors). It is not his fault that the P/E ratio is so high. He tried to lower it and got into trouble with the SEC for trying. BillG on the other hand from day one pushed MS to make usury level profits and drive the P/E ratio higher with outlandish predictions of future software development. It was pointed out at the time (1990's) that one of the best philanthropic acts that he and MS could perform would be to sell the OS and Office at marginal cost (printing/media and distribution cost) in developing countries in South America, Asia and Africa: and I had those conversations with him and MS. He and MS categorically refused. BillG now wants to "look good" by giving the money he made from those sales to those same countries; ignoring the corruption surcharge and the complete inefficiency of the resulting spending. The man is an unethical self-serving bum. So EMusk to BGates on ethics? Take EMusk every day.
This is tool to get work done faster. His time is worth a lot more to be taken by car drives for hours or days. You so far shown 0 understanding how this works so I expect it is waste of time explaining it to you but still...
Yeah that's why he bought a million dollar Mclaren F1 "to get work done faster" LMAO :joy: But yeah, keep worshipping the guy. I mean, as a boy he started out with nothing in his pockets, not a penny! Apart from a couple of emeralds he stole from his Dad of course... 😆
Yeah that's why he bought a million dollar Mclaren F1 "to get work done faster" LMAO :joy: But yeah, keep worshipping the guy. I mean, as a boy he started out with nothing in his pockets, not a penny! Apart from a couple of emeralds he stole from his Dad of course... 😆
Yes I am sure if the richest man in the world have not bought a single sports car you would have praised him right? You are just a hater.

Also I am sure you have stolen more things in your life than Musk did so...