Full system wipe,bios flash and backup safety.

During unfortunate circumstances my pc has become infected and so Ive decided to do a full system wipe and flash my bios to be sure however I only have basic knowledge of how to reinstall my OS and format my drives, and I have zero knowledge of how to flash my bios and so guidance would be greatly appreciated. But ive read about viruses being able to save themselves on microcontrollers in usb keyboards and other obscure locations so I would love any advice on what more to clean and what other procedures to undergo to ensure system safety. I also have a bit of a problem, currently im backing up a large selection of images and music to a dropbox account, I want to keep these files after my wipe but I dont know how to ensure theyre clean so help with that would also be greatly appreciated.
Since this is not malware related question I'm moving this topic to Windows forum.
It's sensible to be safe but your anxiety does seem a bit excessive. I'd leave the bios alone because if you mess it up your computer won't run at all.

There are loads of excellent free programs available to remove viruses and so long as you are quick you should be able to clear an infection. A virus happens to all of us at some time or another and certainly if you can't clean the system reinstalling the OS is a good idea. Remember there are two kinds of AV program - those that are at work all the time in the background and others that you have to enable for a one off scan. You don't want two of the first type of AV programs working at the same time because they interfere with each other.

A full scan can take a long time but that's what you want to run and see coming up clear for peace of mind. Rechecking a few days after you think that the system is clean is also useful. If you post detail about the type of infection that you have detected or google it you will know how seriously this particular virus is rated. You'll also be better able to choose your weapon to remove the infection. You need to be on the case right away.