How to Delete Messages on Facebook Messenger

You can delete messages, conversations and photos from your inbox. Keep in mind that this won't delete them from your friend's inbox.
Desktop App
To delete a conversation:
  1. Right click the conversation.
  2. Select Delete Conversation.
  3. Click Delete.
To delete a message or photo:
  1. Open the conversation.
  2. Right click on the message or photo you want to delete.
  3. Select Remove for You.
  4. Click Remove.
Desktop (
To delete a conversation:
  1. Below Chats, hover over the conversation.
  2. Click
  3. Click Delete > Delete.
To delete a message or photo:
  1. Open the conversation.
  2. Hover over the message or photo you want to delete.
  3. Click
  4. Click Remove > Remove.
Open your Mobile device and tap the Messenger app icon, you will be redirected to a page where you will see a list of your current conversation with your friends only if you are currently logged in your Facebook account. If you are not already logged into your Facebook messenger, enter your login credentials correctly in the given tab and tap "Continue" to proceed.

Select a conversation:

Once you open the messenger app, you will find a list of your conversation with your recently connected friends; you need to tap a conversation that consists of a message that you wish to delete. You may have to scroll down if the conversation is old. If messenger opens to a conversation that you don't want to review, tap the "back" button (shown by the arrow) located in the top left corner of the page. If you don't find your conversation listed in messenger, tap on the "Home" icon to open the listed conversation on messenger.

Hold on and tap a message:

When you find a message that you want to delete on messenger, you need to tap and hold it for a second. If you hold a message, a pop up will appear with a list of options located at the bottom of the screen.

Tap Remove:

Once you choose the particular conversation that you actually want to delete, Tap on the "Remove" icon located in the options menu.

Tap removes when prompted:
If you tap the "Remove" icon, a pop-up will appear and say to delete or cancel the specific conversation with your friend. Here you need to tap the delete symbol located at the bottom right of the page; doing so will delete the message from your side of the conversation through the people with whom the conversation will still be able to see the message. It means you can only delete the message from your side in the messenger.

Delete an entire conversation:

If you want to delete the entire conversation on messenger, you have to go with the following process. Firstly, you have to find a conversation that you want to delete. Once you choose a conversation, tap on Kebab menu shown by three vertical dots located at the top right of the page, doing so will show you a pop-up menu with a list of options. Here, you need to tap on the Delete Conversation option from the menu.

Rachel Gomez