LED strip as tail light

I'd like to know what holiday displays mean or look like in the following sentence.
Are they something like lighting decorations on Christman season?

Many towns and cities are saving money on their power bills by changing from
incandescent light bulbs to LED lights. These lights can be used in traffic signals,
crosswalk signs, and even holiday displays
They look like any run of the mill Christmas decorations, but with LEDs. Kinda hard to describe them in any other way than ordinary decorations, though there are a few minor differences. For one, they are more crisp/vivid.
Shouldn't that be the other way round? Tail-lights as LED strips? That'll be a case lighting mod then :haha:
I'd like to know what holiday displays mean or look like in the following sentence.
Are they something like lighting decorations on Christmas season?
The simple answer is yes, that’s what they are.
As to how they look, there’s an infinite variety. Here are some examples using LEDs: