Michigan couple say Pokémon Go turned neighborhood into a "nightmare," sues Niantic, Nintendo

Fortunately I live out in the country but had a "visitor" yesterday that drove all the way down my driveway (100 yds), jumped out and started that non-sense. He realized he wasn't going to get his "prize" when I produced my pump shotgun and put one round in the air, reminding him that Tennessee is a "stand your ground" state and he was standing on mine, without permission .... I'm just waiting for a few of these kids to get themselves killed as this fellow damn near did ..... what, other than a vacuum, goes thought these people's heads?!?!?!

Yep, they come out in some of the areas here in the Missouri Ozarks, between the state line & Arkansas, they might disappear, never to be seen again. Lots of places to BURY someone that no one will ever find.
It's happened before down here.

This sounds like something near Cassville/Aurora or Gainesville. I also been down a road just east of 65 - Route W, at night that seems like a road thats easy to disappear forever on.
I've been to the park numerous times, it's simply not as bad they make it sound. I've never seen ANYONE be rude, disrespectful, or damage property. I'll admit, parking is a NIGHTMARE there. They've had to rope off areas for weddings to have parking spaces, so I'm sure that gets old. Outside of that... it's not bad.

Someone should do some investigative reporting into the family and their motives. It's WELL known about the level of debt they're in. Or about the wife's severe drug habit. I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with wanting a little extra cash in the pocket. O_o
No one wants to see your useless photography.. People playing this game have just the same right as you to go there and do as they please. You obviously feel like your hobbies are more important than others. Grow up.
So you won't mind me, a complete stranger, strolling through your backyard tonight?
Maybe I will peak inside your garage or windows looking for Pokemon, I am sure you won't care.
I haven't played pogo but I have played Ingress and a little while back made a request to remove a portal that was on private property. It took about a month but it was finally removed. Niantic isn't being crappy about it I just don't think they have the staff to field inquiries from the entire planet in a timely fashion.

As for all the nightmares described here I'm having a hard time believing most of it. The biggest annoyance is when the morons park in a lame spot and it's actually just a small amount of the players that do that. Most people park then walk but there are a few that refuse to go to the fat farm and will drive as close as they can to the pokespot/portal.

All in all I'd say 70% of the players are cool, 20% are uptight in a weird way, and 10% are just sh$@stains. To have games that get people outdoors and exercising is worth it though. I'm done, you may return to the public shaming du jour.
I think people need to relax, whatever their stance.

tbh man I'd be pretty upset if they were trampling through my yard and being rude. There's a pokemon hotspot outside of my apartment and those guys stay out there till like 3am, smoking weed etc.

Tbh 'Those guys' were likely there before and will stay there when the craze has gone. If they're smoking drugs call the police, they will soon get the hint.
No one wants to see your useless photography.. People playing this game have just the same right as you to go there and do as they please. You obviously feel like your hobbies are more important than others. Grow up.

No, I don't care if they are there, BUT, they should respect the place, just as I respect the place. Trashing it with cigarette butts, trash and such. You must be one of those self entitled 20 somethings, that think the world revolves around you. How sad.
This sounds like something near Cassville/Aurora or Gainesville. I also been down a road just east of 65 - Route W, at night that seems like a road thats easy to disappear forever on.
Yep, around Cassville, and over towards Gainsville.
No, I don't care if they are there, BUT, they should respect the place, just as I respect the place. Trashing it with cigarette butts, trash and such. You must be one of those self entitled 20 somethings, that think the world revolves around you. How sad.
Talking like that makes you as bad as them. I agree people should respect areas for public enjoyment but labelling everybody ''20 something' as entitled makes you sound like a keyboard warrior who doesn't get out much.
As a resident of St.Clair Shores and a property owner I have just as much right to the park as these people do. I take my kids to that park almost everyday to play Pokemon Go. I have never seen anyone invade the private property of the houses around the park. I have never seen any loud, disrespectful behavior from anyone. No massive amounts of litter or damage to the park is evident. People are generally walking around the path quietly, going about playing their game. I am sorry your sleepy little personal park is now actually being used by people, but I think this game is great for the kids. It gets people outdoors and walking around instead of sitting on the couch playing PS4 or watching TV. As a family we have gone places we wouldn't have. Yes the boys are on their phones playing the game but it isn't a game you play constantly. We have gone to the DIA several times. They actually stopped and look at the art between Pokemon. They have both logged over 100km (65 miles) playing the game. They are both rail thin but I am not and it means I have done that walking too. Good for me! From my own personal observations these people don't have any right to sue. They sound like that grumpy neighbor who will find something to ***** about and call the cops even if there really is nothing wrong. Everyone needs to relax. Niantic had a great idea to get the kids outside and moving. The fascination will fade and the "lazy, disrespectful" youth will retreat back into their caves soon. Lets hope that even if the game fades the enjoyment of walking outdoors endures.
The kids today are too stupid to even know better honestly. They were never taught and wouldn't care if they were. I agree, Nintendo should pay. In this case, they are fueling the fire of today's ignorant kids.
You never did anything stupid as a kid? Really? You never ever trespassed for any reason as a kid? Playing with your friends or hiking?
Wow I gotta say just about every comment on this article came from people that are even more immature than the people they're complaining about playing Pokemon Go... The article itself is just as bad.

If people are looking in your windows, I doubt it's because of Pokemon Go. If people are trespassing, tell them to leave or call the police. I also highly doubt this neighborhood is as plagued as this family claims. Neighborhoods in PokemonGo never have high concentrations of Pokemon nor would they ever attract high amounts of players. Oh and to the *****s saying he stood his ground with a shotgun and the other ***** saying you should have shot him "flesh wound"... For one you can't make a flesh wound with a shotgun and for two, would it really be considered standing your ground if you shot some kid for playing a game on your property??? It's not like your life was in danger.

Seriously people, let kids have fun and get exercise. It's not hurting you and you all just sound like a bunch of old people complaining about today's youth.
Pokemon Go is out of control and turning into a public nuisance. People have been injured, robbed, and died over it. If they can't reign it in, then it needs to end.
Absolutely, and people do not seem to get this.

If the pokecrap is in a public area, those pursuing the pokecrap need to be respectful of those who are not pursuing pokecrap. Public places are where everyone is expected to act in a manner at the very least respectful of others.

Also, pokecrap pursuers coming onto the private land of anyone, being asked to leave, then threatening the property owner even with statements like "shut up or else" is a threat to the land owner.

And I suppose public places include the Thai military base. Yep, that is surely public and open to everyone. And the Toronto Ferry Terminal - yep, that is open to everyone, but when paying customers have pokecrap pursuers interfering with their business, then that amounts to an annoyance at a minimum, and if any of those paying customers miss their ferry, then others start paying the price for people to pursue their pokecrap.

And the comments about a game encouraging people to get outside: buy a pair of binoculars instead so that you actually see what you got outside to see instead of remaining hypnotized by the pokecrap character on your dumb phone. These pokecrap pursuers ought to just pick up a rock and see what lives underneath it. To me, that is far more interesting than playing some stupid game that amounts to a waste of time and energy.

The areas where pokecrap pursuers are causing outright nuisances are growing by the day. If anything, more lawsuits like this will result, and I highly doubt that nitanic and other financially invested partners will have the financial resources to fight all of them.
Tbh 'Those guys' were likely there before and will stay there when the craze has gone. If they're smoking drugs call the police, they will soon get the hint.

You'd think so, but before GO the plaza was actually pretty empty that late at night. I don't mind much, but I can definitely see how someone living at ground level in a regular neighborhood would be annoyed with all that.
Wow...encouraging violence for someone who's playing a game. You guys sound like such great people...

When will the middle aged and up folks stop acting like they have a pole so far up their butts that they can't allow any fun to happen? Ask someone to get off your property while playing A GAME. If they don't call the police. Wtf....you people are so backwards. Threatening somebodies life is so unnecessary.

When it comes to the article at hand..sounds like a couple of old people that quite frankly need to take a chill pill. Make a sign...believe it or not at least 75% of the generation will listen to it. Letting everything rile you up will only shorten your life..and I'm sure most of you don't need any less time of your clocks.
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I love how people are criticizing a game that actually got people off their butts and actually getting out there and being active. Though I do understand the violence and violation of privacy but people complaining about parks and other stuff, oh darn..people are actually socializing and doing something they love playing.
Pokemon Go is out of control and turning into a public nuisance. People have been injured, robbed, and died over it. If they can't reign it in, then it needs to end.
Absolutely, and people do not seem to get this.

If the pokecrap is in a public area, those pursuing the pokecrap need to be respectful of those who are not pursuing pokecrap. Public places are where everyone is expected to act in a manner at the very least respectful of others.

Also, pokecrap pursuers coming onto the private land of anyone, being asked to leave, then threatening the property owner even with statements like "shut up or else" is a threat to the land owner.

And I suppose public places include the Thai military base. Yep, that is surely public and open to everyone. And the Toronto Ferry Terminal - yep, that is open to everyone, but when paying customers have pokecrap pursuers interfering with their business, then that amounts to an annoyance at a minimum, and if any of those paying customers miss their ferry, then others start paying the price for people to pursue their pokecrap.

And the comments about a game encouraging people to get outside: buy a pair of binoculars instead so that you actually see what you got outside to see instead of remaining hypnotized by the pokecrap character on your dumb phone. These pokecrap pursuers ought to just pick up a rock and see what lives underneath it. To me, that is far more interesting than playing some stupid game that amounts to a waste of time and energy.

The areas where pokecrap pursuers are causing outright nuisances are growing by the day. If anything, more lawsuits like this will result, and I highly doubt that nitanic and other financially invested partners will have the financial resources to fight all of them.

WOW you sound angry and bitter with life. If we sue Niantic over this then we should outlaw all smoking in public and sue the tabacco growers - cigarette manufacturers for the same nuisances. The many butts on the ground, the cloud of smoke I have to sometime walk through, the doorway loitering in the winter. Man those smokers can interfere with my ability to enter and exit a building and do business. Come on! Do you realize how silly you sound. Every group of people will have a handful of rude ignorant people. You can't hold Niantic or the rest of the people playing the game with respect and reason, responsible for the those few. Oh, and I am positive that some people would say your hobbies amount to a waste of time and energy. To each his own!
I bet the techspot staff are rolling around laughing at the amount of us commenting here.

When it comes down to it innocent kids and adults playing it will have a great time. The people playing who have no respect for property etc. Haven't changed because of the game, they were like that before and will continue being long after Pokemon is gone. Then you will be complaining about the next fad.
Fortunately I live out in the country but had a "visitor" yesterday that drove all the way down my driveway (100 yds), jumped out and started that non-sense. He realized he wasn't going to get his "prize" when I produced my pump shotgun and put one round in the air, reminding him that Tennessee is a "stand your ground" state and he was standing on mine, without permission .... I'm just waiting for a few of these kids to get themselves killed as this fellow damn near did ..... what, other than a vacuum, goes thought these people's heads?!?!?!
So I get someone was trespassing, for a Pokemon. And I get it is sad that it is this cr4p that has reintroduced the children and morons, to the outside world, Until of course the next halo comes out, but you would kill someone playing PoGo?
On the one hand, I think that's mad, but then on the other, I can't defend these Muppets who not only play this rubbish but think Pokemon is a freaking anime when it's just a cartoon. Feel free to let loose. Unfortunately the UK is overrun with both Pokemon and foreigners and human rights activists who say we can't have guns to shoot these people...
Let's pretend I said that all in jest lolol
Pokemon zombies every where. What has happened to common sense? It left the planet a long time ago. People are so bored that they will spend hours chasing some cartoon character - in other words the world has become a real live 3d cartoon thanks to this dumb game. Less and less people now can actually hold a real conversation with another live flesh and blood human being. Wait awhile another "genius" will invent a robot that will do your pokemon hunting and gathering for you. Yes Virginia, the human race is now back in the stone age. I am going to climb in my Flinstones car to go hunt for food now.