Missing files 'OutLookLib.dll' and 'YImage.dll'

So, when I turn on my windows it states that my 'OutLookLib.dll' and 'YImage.dll' files are missing. And because of that I cannot install any devices (my broadband) and some of my programs cannot be open. Is there any way that I can retrieve back my files? Really appreciate your help

Thanks! :)
For yimage.dll Uninstall Yahoo! Messanger and reinstall it, this should resolve the issue:

Fix found on Yahoo Answers.

As for OutLookLib.dll you could also try reinstalling Outlook. If you are using a version of outlook that was installed with an office package like Office 2003, 2007, 2010, then you will either have to repair or reinstall the software..

wARNING: If you use Outlook Express or any Outlook program as your current e-mail program make sure to backup/save any and all e-mails, mail settings and contacts that you have as you may loose them if you uninstall.

If it is Outlook Express (on Windows XP) this can be reinstalled using Add/Remove Components. To get to this you have to go to Control Panel, then into Add/Remove programs, on the left hand side of the window you should see Add/Remove Windows Components. If Outlook express is in the list, uncheck it and select next. Restart, and repeat the steps except this time make sure Outlook Express is checked so it re-installs the program.
Yes thankyou. I managed to remove the Yimage.dll but as for the Outlooklib.dll it is still there after I have removed the Outlook Express. Is there any other way?
Have you Re-Installed outlook express to see if it will re-install the DLL?

Checking further online I may have assumed it to be an outlook file. It may also have to do with Bluetooth. Do you have bluetooth installed onto your system? If so, reinstall the blue tooth software.
Have you tried the suggestion above? (Reinstall Bluetooth if you have it) If so, has the issue been resolved? Still present?