New homepage design

SNGX1275 said:
I like the new home page, but after you scroll past the boxes on the right, there is a ton of white space. Looks kind of funny.

I'm also not a big fan of the white T in the blue box for the browser icon..
Yay, looks like the old one is back?
SNGX1275 said:
I like the new home page, but after you scroll past the boxes on the right, there is a ton of white space. Looks kind of funny.

I'm also not a big fan of the white T in the blue box for the browser icon..
Hi SNGX, I assume you are using Opera?
Where do you see the white space, in the left column or the right column?

As for the favicon, the current one is sort of a temporary solution though it's still not that bad.
I think he is talking about underneath the right hand side tabs:
Most Popular
Downloads & Drivers
TS & Community

Once those are done there is a lot of whitespace underneath. It would look better if the stories underneath those secitons went the width of the page.

I am using Opera as well.
Oh, I see. If that's the case then admittedly that's been done on purpose to keep things tidier. Plus there is this sort of consensus on web design that reading is better done when columns are not far too wide.
Yes. I was talking about the same thing Poertner_1274 thought. I didn't have any solution in mind and I agree if you simply made the text fill the page it may be too much. I didn't know what to do about it, which is why I didn't offer any suggestions.

Overall though I think it is a nice change and I like it.
SNGX1275 said:
I like the new home page, but after you scroll past the boxes on the right, there is a ton of white space. Looks kind of funny.

I'm also not a big fan of the white T in the blue box for the browser icon..

Hmm, the "T" seems to be not vertically centered.
On the main page, sub-sections show up where the mouse hovers over each main topic button, could we have an extra sub-section under 'forums' giving direct access to 'my posts' please ?

Seems the new header is pleasant to use, slightly less intuitive (subtly different colours for the differing sub-heading lines might help), takes a longer time to load and nothing to do with browser cache seems to help that.
Triple the fun !

I'm a bit confused :confused:
Maybe I'm color blind, but there is a difference isn't there?

Is this the TechSpot logo? (as seen here: )

Is this the TechSpot logo?

Or is this the TechSpot logo?

Or it one of these?

Or are you wanting some member active discussion on designing a new logo?

There does seem to be a lot of different logos about
Kimsland is correct about 3 different logos on the entire site.

The 3DS one is on some of the guides
The middle one is on the forums
The bottom on is on the Frontpage

However to answer kimsland's question. Julio & team have designed the frontpage already. The forums are to follow shortly (and the logo 'i presume' will change shortly as well to reflect the frontpage)
Yeah, I was confused by that too kimsland, when I was browsing the guides and noticed some of the older ones said 3dspotlight.
Excuse us, but our one man webmaster team (meaning me) can sometimes not handle the load of implementing such a big change site wide as fast as you guys desire it to :)

Still the feedback is appreciated and at least the forums will be updated very soon. Because the change will come with an upgrade to vBulletin 3.7, this requires more planning than you would think.
I think I know why it loads slower for me.
Julio, could it be by any chance that more news items are displayed per page
than before?
ITGuy702 said:
Is there any beta testing you need help with for the forum redesign?
I know a good techsite that you could use :)

change will come with an upgrade to vBulletin 3.7
I'd say this is the important part

If Julio is doing it on his own, and running a entire tech forum, and updating his own website. Then he should be commended on this. Maybe he should outsource a bit more to some support members.
I'm glad you like the change. As always, this may get sometime to get used to, but so far, so good :)

You should know that besides the obvious visual changes, I have updated our forum backend to the latest version available. A ton of improvements both in the admin and the end-user side have now become available with this update.

I tried to make the transition as painless as possible by accommodating all of our custom changes to the new version but please if you find any errors let me know.

While I still have to go through all new options in this new version of vBulletin, some stuff that has been added from the top of my mind...

* Thread tagging is now available
* User profiles and its functionality has been expanded... think of social networking features, friends, public messages, etc.
* vB now comes with a built-in gallery but we are sticking with our previous gallery that is more feature rich.
* Control over signatures and BB code can now be enforced easily from the admin panel, so you will notice your color and other special tags have been disabled. This is something we have wanted to do for some time now.
* There's likely at least a few more cool new options but that's all I can come up with at 7am with no sleep as of yet...

Enjoy and thanks for your support.
Well done.

Also, I understand that you are still getting things sorted, so that's ok
But just a quick noticeable issue.
On replying to members I do not have the Internet link button (on the reply toolbar)
So to give others links, I must actually display the entire link, instead of using it in the text.

Color was another issue. Text color is also (presently) gone
Thanks for the feedback.
I skipped on link BB code accidentally, color in the other hand will be disabled permanently, just not needed.
color in the other hand will be disabled permanently, just not needed.

Oh really ? There are many posts that used color in support replies. I believe this made it clearer to understand in some cases. Any chance on getting color back?
We need color in the security section. It helps to sort sections of post when giving somebody 6 different sets of instructions then it helps to identify where one set of instructions end and where the next begins. I hope that you reconsider as it took me a very long time to make all of my canned speeches and they are all color coded with bbcode



Edit: (eg. )