Portal 2 pre-orders open with discounts and extras

Guest said:
In the whole human history of merchadising and marketing, a product is always overpriced.

In today's society, just put a price and people will pay, without questioning.

With videogames is the same, ask 50 bucks for a game and people will pay.

Add more plastice crap and a art book to it, and people will pay 100 dollars for a collector's edition. blah.

Look Call of Duty: Black Ops: an unfinished game reaching more than 1 billion dollars of sales worldwide; and since it launch back in November 2010, with all patches released so far, it continues to be a crappy, buggy game.

It's extremely simple: Portal 2 is not worth 50 dollars.

With Valve's Steam dominance of market share in digital distribution (70%), it will become ever worse.

Good luck to those who have pre-ordered already. You lost money, paying more than Portal 2 is really worth.

For those who want the game, wait until June, July to have better prices on Summer Sales (that happens every year). And no, I don't need to be the first to play tha game.

And "don't worry", because things will get worse in the future. Brand new titles will be selling for 70, 80 dollars for the standard edition. Double it for the Collector's Edition, and it's fine.

One last thing: don't forget that game studios will not deliver the complete game for you. You'll have to pay extra 15, 20 even 30 bucks for DLC, to make the game complete.

Want a great example of that? Take StarCraft II. In the original game (1997) you have 3 races (Terran, Zerg and Protoss). For StarCraft II you'll pay 60 bucks for each race. You fool!

Today, profit is paramount. Great games? No, I'm sorry.

Cheers, mate.

Wow, this is the largest thing I've ever seen pulled out of an ***.

And I've been on the internet for several years now.
You know on Steam if you pre-order 2 copies of the game you get 20% off. That $40 dollars a piece. Get a friend who wants to buy it and go in together like I am. Unfortunately for some of you ranting price fanatics finding a friend might be difficult.
Factoring in inflation, games have been the same price for many years - maybe even cheaper in some cases.