Router: Blocking ports only on Wi-Fi?


Posts: 217   +17

Our family rents apartments here where I live. And there's a router in my room which guests use too. Since we don't have awesome internet connection, it really annoys me when guests download something via Wi-Fi. So my question is, Is it possible to block ports only for Wi-Fi users, but leave all ports open for cable users?

I googled but did not find anything related.. hope to get an answer here.

Big thanks ! :)
Thanks, but this will block ports for both cable and Wi-Fi users, right? Because I am cable connected to the router and I want to download stuff, while I do not want guests to do that.
I think you'd have to log into your router's Admin page and take a look at the restrictions available for WIFI.

I took a look at mine and all the restrictions seem to apply to the WAN which would cover both the switch (cable) & WIFI.

You could set up a guest account on a second router that was plugged into your switch and do as you pleased, or at least that's what I could do. :)
Ahhh, that is right Cinders! I have one router? Without Wi-FI just laying around here. I will try different stuff and see if i can hook up those two to get what i need :)

thanks for the help, i really did not think about that lol.
I share a cable router with roommates & guests and have this solution for
isolating 'trusted systems' from guest systems:

1) use address reservation to ensure trusted users are in a known lan address range

2) let the DHCP assign guests to anything from (thus a limit of 19 connections)

3) in the firewall define 'local-lan' group as (1)

4) ports on local-lan(1) can then be allowed

The extrapolation for you would be to add disallow,
set the QoS for these addresses to something terrible
and perhaps add a port forward on those addresses to an unused lan address
like 192,168,0,254. This is highly dependent upon the features of your router and