Router/firewall issues

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Hello all, I am new here and I hope some one might help me. I have an issue which may be router/firewall related and I have next to no knowledge on that or networking systems. Me and a friend are trying to play a game online together and I try to start a stand-alone server through my own machine. On my friend's end gets messages saying I am blocking with possibility of a router or firewall or such. I have tried disabling my firewall but that had not worked.
Any help would be appreciated!
If your friend is connected (wired or wifi) to your router, you can fix that.

Otherwise, to gave a game server on your ISP connection with a friend elsewere on the Internet, is a real problem.
Both need firewall rules, and this one needs port forwarding from your router to your game server.

HOWEVER, that is not only a security risk, but likely in violatin of your EULA (End User License Agreement)
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