Shaking cursor

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A few problems getting here, but now that i am, ...well here goes:
You've probabally heard this one a thousand times before, but my cursor on screen is shaking about all over the place..most of the time, especially when it is over anything that I need to click on (and I mean RAPID shaking).A bit of backgroung:The last mouse I had was wireless and in the end the cursor just frose for days at a time, so i binned that, bought a "technica" wireless mouse (no additional driver required) and the freezing cursor was resolved.
As far as I know this is a X86 based P.C. (32 bit) HP, and THAT is as technical as i get.
Good eh ?
The problem is tho, that if any of you guys suggest that I do this or do that as I have seen in previous problems on this site, I won't have a clue how o do it.
I really DO need everything to be exlained in *****speak.
I hope i have your ear
many thanx
If you have interpolation on...that can cause shaking and aliasing, but likely not noticable to most.
If you wtill want to check, your mouse settings should look like this:

Only the pointer speed and enhance pointer precision really matters.
thanx hk, I'll check it out and get back to you, actually....i've ticked the "enhance pointer precition" box and for the last 5 mins have only had one wobble....could be a result....Ta
If you have sensitivity on highest, your cursor will skip every other pixel, doubling the sensitivity but horribly skewing accuracy.
The enhance pointer precision accelerates the pointer (as in skipping pixels) proportional to how fast you move the mouse.
Good luck!
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