TechSpot Giveaway: 27-inch monitor, iPad, GTX 460??

I voted for the iPad because I believe it is the first new form of portable computing device since the Macbook (and, ahem, all of its PC imitators, of course).
You simply have no idea what a transformation an ssd makes until you have used one. It's like moving from dialup to highspeed Internet, for those of you old enough to remember dialup.
Voted for the cpu combo.

some of the others were cools too
but just got the GTX 460, won an Ipad, have an SSD and monitor
Love the new tech toys, and the ipad is an incredible device! Beats netbooks by a long shot!

A 27" monitor would be great, but the ipad would top that. Something about the crystal clearness of the ipad. I wonder if it is IPS?
I voted for the 27" LCD LG flat screen monitor. I've always been stuck with my old white monitors from the 90's it sure seems. This could be a great addition to me especially clearing up some room on my desk.
I voted for Apple iPad because if ever I will get one, I would be the first person to have that here in our office. Apple iPad is interesting and one of the best technologies created.
i voted the SSD, i built a pc for a friend which has a SSD and it boots up in under 20seconds from cold.
I need a 27" monitor for my TV tuner. I have always posted technical information on different computer hardware I had work with. Check my past comments.

Thank you and good luck to all.

The Ipad is something that I think would be a great addition to my tech toys. I am looking for something I can use for an ebook reader and also other tech toys.
I voted iPad, I'd love to have one for ebooks and magazines. My effort to live greener has canceled my magazine subscriptions and I'd love to have them back in a tablet.
I prefer the iPad. Been wanting one for a while, and I'm starting to see computing trends moving towards tablets. Would make a great compliment to my desktop rig :).