Thumb drive not showing up in Disk Management or My Computer

SO basically, i'm doomed.

when i plug the damn thing in, SOMETIMES windows will say that it is "not recognized", and SOMETIMES Windows won't say nuthin at all. jsyk i've tried 5 times, and only one time windows responded with that uplifting message.

i tried searching for the device in my computer, not there. there is no "removable disk" icon either.

i also tried going into disk management, not there either.

oh and i've also tried this on 2 other computers.

SO therefore I assume that the thing is un-salvageable. UNLESS of course one of you angels reveal that it is not actually a goner, and that i can actually still access it and save my life. in which case it would just mean i'm a complete tech noob. however, that optimistic situation seems highly unlikely, and therefore i shall return to my assumption that i am doomed.

seeing as life is so, is there any way i can recover my data from the thumbdrive? and no, i can't send it back to the dealer because i never actually bought the thing; it was given as a door gift at someone's birthday. IKR.

so yeah.