Weekend mass shootings: Politicians "partly" blame video games, Cloudflare cuts ties with...

Also please tell me how banning legal guns is gonna stop criminals? Also please tell me how its gonna stop false flags?

See, here's the other side's problem - They instantly jump to the assumption we're going right for gun bans. No thorough background checks, no reasonable restrictions. Just full-on bans. That's why no one wants to reach a bipartisan agreement on this issue...And we aren't even talking about criminals. This most recent mass shooting? He wasn't a criminal.

But playing devils advocate here Nero7, in this case banning a legal weapon likely would have saved some lives. The disturbed white guy legally purchased an assault rifle with high capacity magazines. I like guns, I have guns, but there aren't many other weapons he could have legally purchased or stockpiled that would have done this amount of damage so quickly.
Isn't it just the most 'convenient' method... gun, machete, bomb, car, arsonist's match, etc. Yes, we should limit this kind of 'convenience', but what truly matters is strong co-operation between public at large and various authorities to get help for these 'troubled' folks. One of the first steps includes building a high mutual regard - so I would say one area of significant improvement would be the behaviors of the politicians.
So true. The politicians (both sides of the political aisle) act like turds towards each other and then wonder why the sheeple like that toward each other. Well, at least publicly wonder, because in private they know that they are the cause which suits them just fine because polarizing the sheeple makes it easier for them to push their selfish agenda, I.e. getting re-elected at ALL costs, society be damned. I read an article recently that highlighted research showing that people in power lose their ability to feel compassion toward people who are beneath them. I am really bummed that I can't remember the publication/site. It was a reputable source.

Bottom line, the root of the problem is the ever growing isolation caused by technology compounded by the liberal media's "whatever feels right for you" and punctuated by the the conservative belief that second amendment was meant for something other than a National Guard, which we now have as a formalized organization paid for with tax dollars.

Yes, I own a handgun. No, I don't see any reason why ANYONE should privately own an Assault Rifle.

Stop the hyperbole, start with some sanity.
So true. The politicians (both sides of the political aisle) act like turds towards each other and then wonder why the sheeple like that toward each other. Well, at least publicly wonder, because in private they know that they are the cause which suits them just fine because polarizing the sheeple makes it easier for them to push their selfish agenda, I.e. getting re-elected at ALL costs, society be damned. I read an article recently that highlighted research showing that people in power lose their ability to feel compassion toward people who are beneath them. I am really bummed that I can't remember the publication/site. It was a reputable source.

Bottom line, the root of the problem is the ever growing isolation caused by technology compounded by the liberal media's "whatever feels right for you" and punctuated by the the conservative belief that second amendment was meant for something other than a National Guard, which we now have as a formalized organization paid for with tax dollars.

Yes, I own a handgun. No, I don't see any reason why ANYONE should privately own an Assault Rifle.

Stop the hyperbole, start with some sanity.

Wouldn't it be neat if there was a reputable group (perhaps Pew Foundation?) which could assess politicians on attributes like:

Just wishful thinking, I guess, but if we don't look for it we shall never find it.
You, sir, deserve the post of the day award, IMO. I would give you a thousand likes for this post if I could.

IMO, humanity is definitely better when everyone works together.

In a way, some Native American tribes did exactly what you are suggesting. In those tribes, the chiefs were chosen by the people based on very similar values - no chief ran for election, rather the were chosen based on their character. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100218053257AAWd7nh
I used to love watching horror films. But when films like The Hills Have Eyes and the like started to come out, they were more gruesome then I wanted to see. There's a desensitivation to violent images that has creeped in to our society and there are people who are overly fascinated with it, including filmmakers and perpetuators. I'm not a psychological expert, but I can only speak for myself and the angle that I can see. I don't see video games necessarily the same way, for they are just bits and bytes. Not everyone who play these games are obsessed with violence and gore, but you can be sure that those who are, are playing them. Potential shooters can be identified by simply assessing the social health of those around you and asking questions. People are just too busy and distracted to notice or care. Take time away from the electronic distractions to notice the people around you. You just might then be able to prevent the next shooting.
Australia had a mass shooting then banned guns, guess what? No more shootings. America will always have guns, so it will always have mass shootings.
It really IS that simple., But hey Americans clearly know better?!
Pretty sure it's hard to shoot someone without a gun?!
If video games were to blame, they clearly are not very good at them.
The only thing video game like is the high score that the country is going for on its public while the rest of the world look on in amazement

If you're referring to the Port Arthur massacre? Martian Bryant didn't commit that genocide and in fact the governments at the time did so they could bring in their agenda for banning guns.

Their is a movie coming out soon that asks lots of questions and reveals some facts about what really happened on that day.

If you want to know more and get the facts of what really happened and how Martain Bryant was framed by the evil governments at the time. Join and follow this group.


Movie Trailer.

Impose quota on gun production and put more "tracing" tech in the new guns produced. Of course that will never happen but that would be a solution.
Bottom line, the root of the problem is the ever growing isolation caused by technology compounded by the liberal media's "whatever feels right for you" and punctuated by the the conservative belief that second amendment was meant for something other than a National Guard, which we now have as a formalized organization paid for with tax dollars.

Yes, I own a handgun. No, I don't see any reason why ANYONE should privately own an Assault Rifle.

Stop the hyperbole, start with some sanity.

I guess you're onto something here. Social media is so easily manipulated nowadays, you can comfortably find yourself in the biggest echo chamber that will reinforce your beliefs. Antivaxxers? flat earthers? magatards? Hell, even google's algorithms will suit you well with tailor made biased search results that will reinforce even more that what you believe is correct.

A lot of people don't question anymore if the media and news they're consuming is accurate or not. They just take it as true because it comes from your friend or neighbour or family and they can't be wrong... right?
If you want to see what America's problem is look at the Millions of video's on THEGUDDA and tell me what you see in 90% of the video's........................................................................ "drops mic."
Countless Zombies have died in games since the early 1990's and even today. Zombie lives matter and someone needs to raise awareness!
You, sir, deserve the post of the day award, IMO. I would give you a thousand likes for this post if I could.

IMO, humanity is definitely better when everyone works together.

In a way, some Native American tribes did exactly what you are suggesting. In those tribes, the chiefs were chosen by the people based on very similar values - no chief ran for election, rather the were chosen based on their character. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100218053257AAWd7nh

LMAO thats how Trump got into the office now its time for you to work together with him. The electoral college chose him because of his much superior character.

You'd do well to not only read leftist news by the way. Give Zerohedge and Epochtimes a try. Finally maybe you should read actual news not opinions.
Doesn't anyone find it curious that in a span of less than 48 hours, 2 mass shootings with extremist views on both sides occurred? It's just very fishy to me and can be easily used to divide.

Whatever happened to this?

Republican: People need the freedom to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and pursue their American Dream and get the government out of the way.

Fair point.

Democrat:: Well, sometimes they fail and we need a safety net through which they can get back on their feet.

Equally fair point.

Both: We have a bill for that.

Now, we have extreme results on both ends. The rich getting richer while our country is going bankrupt. The poor living off of welfare perpetually while our country is going bankrupt. The middle class is shrinking, and neither side, the Establishment, has done anything to solve this problem. Eventually, the whole country will be bankrupted and we'll all be up dirty creek. Forget Capitalism. Forget Socialism. How about some Realism?
Amazing that the boy in Dayton had a 100 round clip and didn't get off more shots in that time ..... damn amatures give all us crazy's a bad name!
A policeman on patrol offed him within a minute he started shooting. He killed or injured 30+ people, so that's one hit every two second. Not that bad for a leftie, I would say.
I remember when it was television and all the violence on it that, according to some "experts", encouraged violence in youth. Before T.V. it was comics (yeah comics of all things) that were blamed as a possible source of youth violence. Before that? Books or radio maybe, but that's before my time.

Each time there was a hue and outcry and after the dust had settled we ended up with guidelines and regulations to "protect" our youth. And they didn't do jack squat. Video games are just the latest scapegoat, and no matter what they do it will again end up with little to no change.

So why all the violence then? Here's the thing, IMHO the states are a fairly violent country when compared to others as it is. It's part and parcel of the libertarian, "don't tread on me", mindset that many have there. More importantly it's gotten worse as we all have become more polarized over issues.

Before the internet most people had a few issues that they felt strongly about and would defend to the death. Now IMHO we become polarized over the least little thing. There's no such thing as a moderate and many people have reached a point where they dehumanize anyone belonging to a group they disagree with, strongly or not.

You know where they also dehumanize people? Basic training. To train a soldier to take a human life you need to first remove the concept of combatants being human. Once a soldier learns to simply react, engage a combatant, and if need be take their life you have an efficient killing machine.

So in the states you have a higher than average level of systemic violence, a tendency to see people you disagree with as less than human, and finally easy access to firearms. Is it any wonder that some people who might have minor mental issues end up going on shooting sprees?

No, IMHO it's becoming an american hobby of sorts more than anything else and blaming anything other than the source, american culture as a whole, is just dodging the issue.