What was your favorite game this year?

Ivan Franco

Posts: 300   +9
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There are a lot of great games this year like WoW: Warlords of Draenor, Far Cry 4, Metro Redux, Alien: Isolation, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and many more, but what do you think?
I didn't get a chance to play most of the games you mentioned Ivan (though most are on my wishlist) but this year my gaming time was consumed by Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn... again. If I count that game out it would have to be The Last of Us Remastered.
Thanks for your reply LNCPapa, sure, it is a great game Final Fantasy, are you planning to buy any game for this Christmas?
Great game KayCee, I forgot to mention it, are you thinking to spend some cash in a new game this Christmas?
Well I did get a couple Far Cry 4 codes with the SSDs I bought my kids for Christmas but I learned before activating them that they don't activate on Steam... so I'm looking to trade one of them for a Steam version and the other for one of the more recent games on my wishlist. Hopefully someone will trade with me before Christmas so I can spend some of the Christmas break playing it. Shadow of Mordor is very high on my wishlist btw. I've found that I've gotten too old and slow for multiplayer CoD or Battlefield these days so I prefer the single player content of most games unless it's slow moving like an MMO.
Hehehe well now that the ps4 is here Ivan I dont know if I am going to buy more ps3 games or iam jus gonna get the ps4 lol
Well I did get a couple Far Cry 4 codes with the SSDs I bought my kids for Christmas but I learned before activating them that they don't activate on Steam... so I'm looking to trade one of them for a Steam version and the other for one of the more recent games on my wishlist.

How comes you want Steam versions? I never found it that important, as if I can an Uplay game I just add it to my Steam Library.
I don't really think that Warlords of Draenor counts can qualify as a seperate game, I don't think it's fair as it runs on many outdated fundamentals and can't compete on the same levels a whole new game can.
I guess my favourite will most likely be Far Cry 4, I only played it at Eurogamer, not at home yet as I'm waiting for my new more capable rig, but I was so impressed by Far Cry 3 that I expect the same level of awesomeness.
Shadow of Mordor I am skeptical about, it looks good, but when I played that at Eurogamer I just didn't like the movement or controls.
How comes you want Steam versions? I never found it that important, as if I can an Uplay game I just add it to my Steam Library.
It's extremely important that it's in Steam for me because I want as much of my game library to be in a single portal as possible. I need them all to be quickly visible, easily (re)distributable, and able to be launched at a whim - because with my library getting so big I don't have time to look in multiple places for my games. Also, I love how Steam keeps my games patched and when possible stores my save games for me so when I move or decide to play while away from home it just picks up where I left off. I've got 350+ games and 300+ DLC just in Steam alone - I don't have time to look in multiple libraries to see what might tickle my fancy for the next 15 minutes of gameplay.

Having my games in Steam also helps me keep track of my future game purchases. I use Enhanced Steam in Chrome to keep track of things I own and low(est) prices and it works for both games and DLC.
It's extremely important that it's in Steam for me because I want as much of my game library to be in a single portal as possible...

Ah fair enough then. I must admit, I would prefer my games on Steam, just for the convenience of sharing things with friends and keeping track of game time etc., I am close to 350 games on Steam myself, I believe I actually have you as a friend. :)
I'll stick with World of warcraft - warlords of draenor, they managed to put their pieces together and finally we got a good game :D