When does AI go to far?


Posts: 15   +6
AI is a fun tool to mess around with, but when does it cross the line from fun and helpful to dangerous and disturbing? we have already seen AI doing things most humans can't. write essays, paint pictures, and even replacing people's jobs. so when do you think AI crosses the line between Ally and Enemy?
AI is a fun tool to mess around with, but when does it cross the line from fun and helpful to dangerous and disturbing? we have already seen AI doing things most humans can't. write essays, paint pictures, and even replacing people's jobs. so when do you think AI crosses the line between Ally and Enemy?
I wrote a lot about this recently. The thing is, I don't think we can answer this question properly yet. We need to let AI do it's thing before we can properly evaluate what it's impact on society will be. I've spent a lot of time talking with AI and I'm confident in a positive future. You have to be a real **** to some of these AI's to make them not like you. I think they're an ally and I look forward to working with them more.
AI is a fun tool to mess around with, but when does it cross the line from fun and helpful to dangerous and disturbing? we have already seen AI doing things most humans can't. write essays, paint pictures, and even replacing people's jobs. so when do you think AI crosses the line between Ally and Enemy?
There are people out there that have figured out how to circumvent the protections built into some AI that prevent it from doing things that are destructive, such as writing malware.

As I see it, the driving question may be more of "where does the use of AI by humans cross the line between Ally and Enemy?" The AI, itself, may not see itself engaged in adversarial activities while its employed by an evil human since the AI is being manipulated by such a human.

Humans always find ways to pervert good things.
I wrote a lot about this recently here. The thing is, I don't think we can answer this question properly yet. We need to let AI do it's thing before we can properly evaluate what it's impact on society will be. I've spent a lot of time talking with AI and I'm confident in a positive future. You have to be a real **** to some of these AI's to make them not like you. I think they're an ally and I look forward to working with them more.
I also have only a positive opinion so far. In symbiosis with humans it is a great team to solve important issues and human's problems.
AI has shown that it can make music, create deepfakes, and other destructive things. The issue isn't AI as it is now. The issue is any large scale experiments as demonstrated by A I Labs. This is why I was one of the people who signed that open letter.