Google has been upside down on YouTube since its purchase, with the site costing the company nearly as much as $1 million per day to keep running. This has been made worse by the numerous companies seeking to bleed cash out of Google with lawsuits, such as Viacom, who has been antagonizing YouTube for quite a while now.

Google has tried to change that, and is still trying. Their latest endeavor for the site is to incorporate mobile ads into the service. They have deployed the ads, on a test-only basis, in the U.S. and Japan. This is clearly aimed at a much smaller yet growing portion of the YouTube market, as the number of handsets that can use YouTube mobile pale in comparison to the number of PCs that connect every day.

This is the next step in a series of attempts by Google to find the "right fit" for YouTube advertising, pairing the needs to make it spin a profit with the desire of YouTube viewers and content creators to avoid feeling overwhelmed by ads.