Members of the Internet community Reddit are in the process of drafting what is tentatively being called the Free Internet Act (or the Internet Freedom Act). The primary goal of FIA is to create a legitimate piece of legislation designed to counteract what SOPA and PIPA wish to do in regards how the net and content on it is regulated.

First proposed by member RoyalWithCheese22 just a couple of days ago, FIA has already seen overwhelming support from those logging in across the globe. In the opening statement, supporters are urged to "aim high" with their goals for FIA as members of the MPAA do when demanding legislation. By doing this, the opposition will be forced to negotiate and some demands on both sides will have to be sacrificed but ultimately it will be a move in the right direction.

Discussions are ongoing and it's likely to take some time for anything solid and presentable to come to fruition. There are, however, some articles that have (perhaps temporarily) found their way into the bill.

One article suggests making individuals who have posted copyrighted content liable for their own actions instead of service providers, website administrators or hosting companies. Another article governs that federal or state governments shall pass no law to administer any kind of censorship upon the Internet. This is further built upon by stating that individual countries' laws shall not be applied to the Internet as it is a global, international entity.

It remains to be seen if the Reddit community will be able to produce anything substantial and if so, if it will be taken seriously by lawmakers. One thing is for certain - when Reddit members get behind something they believe in, they go all-in.

Those interested in joining the fight and adding their two cents can start at the FIA Sub-Reddit where several topics of discussion have already been proposed.